Chapter 5

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In the demons lear.

All the upper moons were standing around you staring...

"hey everyone when will Muzi get here?"

"Oh he'll be here in about ten minutes wait... How dare you speak of  the master that way"! "

Daki replies

" OK... Chill your pickles I was just asking... does Daki always have her panties in a bunch like this koko? "

You asked kokoshiba

"... "
He said nothing but after a while he nodded.

"Hey don't side with her! And how do you know our names? "

" you can't command me... And she just knows things"
Kokoshiba said simply

You stopped listening to their bableing and turned to Nakami instead.

"So Nakami are you up for some gaming?"


"Just try it"
You hand Nakami your phone and put
on Simplygutar

She started at first cautiously but then got really into it

"this glowing box is amazing! "
She said happily

The Others started to get curious
Daki sent a look towards Gyutaro.
Who sprang into Aktion

"I demand you to give my sister the glowing Box of amazement!"

"you could have just asked normaly jeez "
You gave her Your laptop and put on a Go Go Girls dress up game.
After that Doma wanted to try so you gave him your nintendo and put on a Pokémon game.

You got your phone back from Nakami "thank you"
You made a couple of selfies with Nakami and Akaza. And  some pictures and videosb of the rest
But you didn't have it for long till
Akaza asked politely if he could try

"sure here yo.......

Doma yelled
As you handed flappy bird to Akaza

And then Gyokko and Daki startet fighting over the laptop

"You have used it long enough"

"I just barely finished dressing Elsa!"

"it's my turn!"

"I'm not done yet!"

"ENOUGH... (it turned quiet) if you can't share then nobody can play!"

"that's Not fair just because Daki...(they started all at once) I don't care!" you interrupted

"Ugrrrrrggg FINE... Here you go"
Daki finely stretched out her arm
"thank you... You're not letting it go GIVE IT!"
She let it go suddenly and Gyokko went flying with the laptop in hand

He went to you after half a minute and asked you to change the game
"This is boring"

You changed it to pottery simulator and gave back the laptop

Meanwhile Akaza Hantengu and Gyutaro battled for the flappy bird high skore

Kokoshiba just glanced over sometimes with a mix of jealousy diskust and curiosity

When over all the noise you heard a Biwa strumming

And the room went silent
(except for the flappy bird theme song. Witch was shut down a couple seconds later)

the song of wisteria (upermoonsXreader/Hashiraxreader) Where stories live. Discover now