Chapter 10

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heyyy, guess who crawled out of planet earth again..? kinda forgot about this entirely, i promise regular updates from now on guys, so sorry...

i rly hope yall review btw! i love hearing what you guys think! btw PLS DONT THINK SNAPE AND HARRY ARE A SHIP, THEY ARE ONLY FRIENDS

Harry ran to the library after lunch to find Severus. The fact that at least he is going to have one friend made him happy. He entered and saw Severus in the back, reading a book.

"Severus! I'm here!" Harry exclaimed, sitting down next to him.

"Hello, Harry. What did you need help with with potions?" Severus asked, still reading.

"Well... can I say everything?" Harry asked.

Severus sighed before turning to him. He then began to ask Harry questions about what he knew.

"Well, you weren't kidding. You know absolutely nothing! That's great!" Severus remarked sarcastically.

Harry shot him a fake sad look.

"Sev! You so mean to me!" Harry said, pouting.

"Sev?" Severus asked.

"Well, it's the best nickname for you!" Harry said, thumping him on the back.

Severus guffawed.

"Zeller... do that one more time, you are going to wish you were never born," Severus said menacingly.

"Right! I'm sorry!" Harry said, looking not sorry at all.

Harry felt really happy. He felt as though he was back with Ron and Hermione. Talking with Severus was nothing to what he expected. He thought Severus would be a pompous brat, trying to be a teacher's pet and correcting everyone. He wondered then, how Severus turned out the way he was.

"Bye then, Sev!" Harry said happily.

"Sure, bye" Severus said uninterested, but you could see a small smile on his lips.

When Harry entered the common room, he was approached by a dark, red-headed girl.

Lily Evans.

"Harry, could I talk to you?" Lily asked softly, whispering in his ear.

He could feel James and the other marauders staring at him. James looked at him with jealousy and anger.

"Sure, but not here..." Harry replied, wanting to get away from James's stare.

He dragged Lily outside the Gryffindor Common Room, and they stood right next to the fat lady's portrait.

"Well? What did you want?" Harry asked.

"Harry... why do James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter hate you now? You were getting along fine about 3 days ago. What happened?" Lily asked, worried.

"I-I don't want to talk about it Lily, I'm sorry..." Harry said glumly.

"I mean, it's fine if you don't want to Harry! Don't worry though! I'm still your friend!" Lily said assuringly.

"Thanks, Lily. I'm glad your my friend" Harry said, smiling at her.

Lily suddenly leaned in and hugged Harry.

Harry was shocked. He was being hugged by his MOTHER!

Somehow, Harry melted into that hug, feeling warm inside.

It seemed as though, happiness wasn't allowed for him. For at that very moment, James and Sirius came out of the Common Room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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