Chapter 4

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AN: lol i pretty much vanished for months hehe. I hope you guys enjoy this! from now on I'm going to maintain a schedule and try and post every 2 days. anyway, enjoy!

Harry stared.

In front of him, a girl with dark red hair and almond green eyes stared angrily. Mum.

"Potter, I am going to MURDER you!" she spat.

"Ah, Lily flower, don't you look ravishing today!" James said, staring at Lily with an affectionate gleam in his eyes.

"My skirt is ruined, you toerag! I was trying to study and sat on the couch, and to my surprise, it exploded. How do you think that happened...Potter?" she glared.

"Well, I'm very sure James is very sorry, Lillykins, now if you excuse us," Sirus said, trying not to burst out laughing at the sight of Lily's anger.

"I hate you James Potter!" she yelled and stomped away angrily.

"I love you too Lily!" James yelled, sighing happily. Sirius shook his head.

"Harry, if you didn't notice by now, James is infatuated with the young woman who just walked away.

"Lily Evans... I can't wait till she is my wife" James said, a dreamy look in his eyes.

Remus snorted, "I don't think that is ever going to happen".

"Anyway Harry, welcome to Hogwarts. I hope you will like it here, and it's getting pretty late, you arrived 1 day after classes started, so I'm sure you won't miss anything big. We should all probably go to sleep now then" Remus said.

"I guess so Remus," Sirius said.

The five of them walked up to the dorm room and went to sleep.

The next day...

"WAKE UP PADFOOT!" someone yelled.

Harry woke up and grabbed his glasses and looked around. Right, he reminded himself. He was with the Marauders! The thought bought a grin to his face. He swung open the curtain to see James Potter yanking Sirius Black by the leg out of bed.

"Prongsie, lemme sleep! I don't wanna wake up!" Sirius moaned, both of his hands clinging desperately to the headboard.

Behind them, Peter was hiding in his blankets, terrified James would come drag him out of bed too.

Harry got out of bed and began to change, as James and Sirius had a screaming contest.

As Harry grabbed his bag, he turned around and saw Remus, smiling at him.

"All set Harry?" He asked, grinning.

"Yup" Harry replied, smiling back.

Remus sighed, "This happens every single morning, no wonder most of the time they turn up late for breakfast. Anyway, come one Harry, the food here is very good!".

Harry walked beside Remus and tried to look around as if he had never seen any of Hogwarts hallways and staircases.

"By the way Harry, if you don't mind me asking, how did you get that scar on you forehead?" Remus asked, looking curiously at him.

"Oh, er, I'd rather not talk about that" Harry muttered, his eyes avoiding Remus's gaze.

"Ok then, I won't push you!" Remus replied, looking slightly suspicious, but nonetheless still happy.

They went down to the great hall and began piling their plates with food and sat down to eat.

Harry noticed Dumbledore walk in. Harry stared curiously, as in to what Dumbledore had to say.

"Quick announcement everyone, today we have an exchange student named Harry Switch Zeller, joining the gryffindor 6th years. He has transfered from Saint Richards all-boys school for Wizardry. I hope you all will welcome him warmly" he announced.

Everyone turned around and looked at Harry and started whispering and murmuring.

"Harry Zeller?"

"He looks exactly like James Potter!"

"When did Hogwarts do exchange students?"

Harry ignored them, having experience in not listening to rumours.

Then, Sirius, James and Peter walked in. Harry smiled at them and saw Peter, and his expression darkened.


He shot daggers at Peter and saw him squeak in fear.

"Well, Zeller, Good to see you! Sorry about the ruckus this morning, Sirius here likes to sleep to much, and if I hadn't woken him up, he might have pranced downstairs for breakfast and find that everyone had finished dinner already" James said, swinging his arm around Sirius's shoulder.

"Prongs! That happened one time! Why do you always tell everyone?" Sirius grumbled.

Harry laughed.

As Sirius began shoving food in his face, Remus began reading his timetable.

"Well, Harry, it seems we have charms first with the hufflepuffs, then potions with the ravenclaws and finally, double DADA with the slytherins.

"Not bad, I'd say" James said, "We only have one class with the snakes today".

Harry saw James shoot a nasty look at the Slytherin table.

"Whatever James, I hope you don't prank them again, this year I'm a prefect, so I might have to give you a detention if you do it" Remus said, sighing.

As James looked shocked, Harry began to think. Pranks, right? What did the Marauders use for pranks again?

He froze in shock.

The Marauders Map.

OMG YALL, i think i just wrote one of the biggest chapters in my life lol. anyway, as I can't wait, im probably going to write the next one right after I post this. i hope you guys enjoyed.



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