Chapter 7

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sorry for not uploading in 3 days! I was kinda busy with exams lol.

"Harry! It's time for Care of Magical Creatures! Remember?" Remus yelled.

Harry shoveled his breakfast down his throat and ran after Remus outside and followed him to the class standing next to the edge of the forbidden forest.

"Hello class, my name is Moor Ramona, I am your Care of Magical Creatures Professor. I hope you will enjoy your classes with me" a woman said. She had long, blonde hair and wore a multicolored bandana. She smiled warmly at everyone.

"Today we will be studying Fwoopers. In this year, we are going to start with 3 X classified animals. That means competent wizards should be able to deal with these animals. Next year, we can start 4 X classified animals, which can only be dealt with people who have specialist knowledge. I daresay hope none of you run int classified animal. Those animals can never be tamed, and most are wizard killers" Professor Ramona explained.

"Professor Ramona, what are the classifications below 3 X animals?" a boy with freckles and brown hair asked.

"Good question Mr Randall. 1 X and 2 X classified animals are extremely easy to handle. 1 X animals are considered boring, and they don't even need magic to handle. 2 X animals can be dealt with using the simplest of spells and most of them are domesticated anyway" Professor Ramona replied.

Harry liked Professor Ramona. She spoke clearly and whatever she spoke about, she had a passionate look in her eyes. That slightly reminded him of Hagrid.

"Now, let's talk about Fwoopers. Fwoopers are african birds with an extremely colorful plumage. They are friendly birds that some people have as pets, but they are classified 3 X's because of their singing. These birds are normally sold with a silencing spell because if Fwoopers begin to sing, their voices are deadly. If hearing their voice, your eardrums would explode" Professor Ramona explained grimly.

She then pulled out a bird, with rainbow feathers and a small beak. It looked quite cute in Harry's opinion.

Professor Ramona continued talking, and Harry saw Remus jotting down notes anxiously, as though he didn't want a single word Professor Ramona said to be missed out.

Suddenly, Harry saw a scaly, thin, horselike creature come out of the forest. It had big wings wrapped around itself and it stared at Harry.

Harry stared back, he then smiled slowly, remembering that thestrals didn't like hostile people. Harry remembered how smart they were, and he didn't want to come of as rude.

The thestral made a neighing sound. Harry kept smiling at it. He didn't notice Professor Ramona and half the class looking at him.

"Thestrals, Mr Zeller?" Professor Ramona asked.

"What are Thestrals Professor?" a girl asked.

"It is the creature standing in front of Mr Zeller right now" Professor Ramona replied.

The class stared at Harry with confused looks. There was nothing. What was in front of Harry?

The saw Harry touch something and pet it, but to them, it looked like air.

"Mr Zeller, would you like to explain to the class why they can't see the Thestral and why you and I can?" Professor Ramona asked.

Harry gulped.

"Thestrals can only be seen by people who have witnessed death" Harry said stonily.

The class gasped.

"Yes, Thestrals are only seen by people who have seen someone die. Most people think Thestrals are cursed or bad creatures, but they are quite friendly and very smart. You should never take superstitions to heart" Professor Ramona said. "Now I think class is over, so all of you can leave. I want a one foot long essay about the Fwooper, including it's flaws and what it is good for".

Harry walked back to the castle, once again being stared at by everyone. Remus walked next to him. He cleared his throat and patted Harry on the back, as though trying to comfort him from the conversation they just had.

Harry flinched and walked fast to the common room. He didn't feel like having dinner anymore, and went straight to his bed. He sighed and pulled out a random book from his bag and began to read lazily, not comprehending anything the book said. He slowly dazed of to sleep as the Marauders entered the room an hour later.

2-3 Hours later...

Sirius woke up and heard a small scream. He flinched and nudged Remus, who looked at him angrily.

"What do you want Padfoot?" Remus muttered, yawning.

"I hear screaming" Sirius replied.

It seemed as though James and Peter woke up too, as they looked around to understand what was happening.

They walked towards Harry's bed, his curtains closed shut. The four marauders heard muttering and screaming. They looked at each other with shocked faces. Then, they heard Harry talk.

"Don't kill Cedric! Please! He is not spare! DON'T KILL CEDRIC!" Harry yelled.

Sirius shoved the curtains open, and they saw Harry thrashing around, his body in a painful position.

"Harry! Oi! Zeller! HARRY! Wake up!" James yelled, shaking him.

Harry woke up in a start, and found himself surrounded by James, Sirius, Remus and Peter, each having a shocked and concerned face.

Harry slapped his head.

"I forgot to put up a silencing charm! Sorry, I fell asleep and forgot to put silencing charms so you wouldn't hear anything!" Harry apologised.

They stared at him.

"Harry, do you have nightmares like these every night?" Remus asked slowly.

"Well, most of the time. I hope you didn't hear much though! I can't sleep well sometimes so I have bad nightmares! Sorry for waking you guys up, I'm going to sleep!" Harry said curtly, pulling his curtains back and muttering the silencing charm.

Remus stared at Sirius and James, as Peter went back to bed.

"Remus! Who do you think Cedric is?" Sirius asked.

"Dunno, but it must be a painful memory for him" Remus said.

"What do you think he meant when he said that this Cedric guy wasn't a spare?" James asked, also brimming with questions.

"I would like to know too. I wonder if Zeller is okay..." Remus muttered.

Hi guys! I tried incorporating something more mysterious this time, so i thought thestrals would be a good idea. i hope you enjoyed. plsplspls review. byeee! :)

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