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Yes. The thought of drowning Zayn was too satisfying. The only scenario: when the only thing, holding me apart from my angel will be forever gone—when I'd able to give him his goodbyes. It was all too satisfying. But I can't just kill him and be sent to prison, right? The reason I'd be killing would be: to be with her. But jail won't give me that. Also, I can't make Mallory hate me, right? Her hate is the last thing I'd want in my life.

"Oh, my god- What happened?" Concerned wife asks with her eyes widened.

"Chill. Just drunk." I mumble stepping inside the house. She sighs heavily walking to other side of Zayn, "I've got him." I interrupt before she could help.

"I'm help—"

"I said, I got him. Mallory." My tone projects bitterness. I ascend the stairs, with barely-awake body of Zayn putting all it's weight on me.

Mallory opens the door to a bedroom where I step in, and put Zayn on bed. "I'll take off my shoes." He mumbles, drunken.

Mallory gets on her knees on floor, whispering with chuckle, "You can barely move." She helps him through the process. I turn my gaze to the sorrounding to see anything but their romance.

Bloody cliche couple.

As Mallory gets back on her feet, she helps Zayn lay and covers him with blanket—God damn it Mallory. What is he? A toddler?

My eyes rolls and I clench my fist behind my back. When she gets done treating her husband; my breath skips a beat as her gorgeous eyes peers to mine, the room is having dim light from hallway, making her look like a shining angel in dark, "You too seem to be quite drunk yourself." She comments.

I clear my throat changing the topic. "I'm thirsty." She nods and gestures me to follow. We both step out of room.

"You drove coming back here? Or cab?" She questions softly, glancing over her shoulder.

"I drove." I quietly reply.

Her face falls, "You're drunk too Harry. Shouldn't have done that." A tone of disappointment reveals in her voice.

When we reach the kitchen, I take seat on chair, burying my face in palms, elbow pressed on table. I think about it: What I almost—completely did with Zayn today. Was it the true me who pulled those acts and had those satisfying scenarios? It feels to be the most pathetic act I could've ever pulled. I paid her to seduce him? I ended up hallucinating Mallory?

I'm getting insane.

I hear glass being kept on table, lifting my head, I see Mallory sitting on chair adjacent to me. "You look stressed." Her gentle caring tone makes my lips tug into a smile. If I could physically react to her question; I'd blush covering my face in palms. I love her. She is my angel. She has every reason for being called an angel.

"Yeah..." I reply, hesitantly looking for words; I feel comfortable with her. I may cannot exactly tell her what the actual problem is—yet, "I had...hallucinated something in drunk." I let the lump of my throat slide down, "It was...an angel...is this normal to hallucinate an angel?" I tilt my head, intensely observing her reaction.

Her eyes gleams to mine, she grins, "That seems to be pretty good hallucination—I guess it is possible to hallucinate in drunken stage."

"So, I'm not crazy right?"

She chuckles, shaking her head, "Maybe if you weren't drunk I'd have second guess." I wish I could lean over the table and seize the laughter escaping from her lips with mine.

"And what did the angel do?" She murmurs, pressing her chin on palm. The tone embracing a sense of levity.

I blush, keeping the glass back on table, "We danced." She bites on her bottom lip holding the laughter.

"What?" I shrug, feigning offense, but her contagious smile fails my act; and causes me to chuckle along with her.

She's my angel. I deserve her. Why does Zayn deserve her?—I know that I'm may late—too late. But—there's a voracious parasite inside of me; yelling at me that, I deserve her.

I deserve you, Mal. I'll love you more than Zayn could. I'll keep you happiest person on planet.

What if she gives me a chance? What if what I actually did in club was right thing to do? What if this is what fate beholds for me?—

I can have her. She's mine. Right?

"Your mood seems to be flipped now." My angel mumbles. I nod, actually; feeling happy seeing a fate that holds us together.

"What time is it?" I ask, Mallory darts her eyes above my head checking clock. "11:45." My eyes widens, "You may wanna sleep now." I get on my feet feeling annoyed that I'm keeping her up— ruining her schedule.

"That's fine. It's completely okay with me." She chuckles, replying, and standing up. "I better go sleep too now." I mumble, shaking my head, stepping back at the same time; but trip a little when I don't notice chair.

She tries to straighten her face to keep herself from breaking into laughter, I give a small chuckle in embarrassment. Mallory walks along with me, "I'll walk you there." I open my mouth but clamp it shut immediately not willing to lose the little walk with her.

"Sure." I nod.

"And then I'll come to drop you back." I try to joke out. She breaks into laughter, "And we'll keep looping this." I break out into wide smile listening her laugh, seeing her eyes crinkling by side—and as always; 5 seconds in, she gets water in her eyes.

She groans, rubbing thumb over her eyes, chuckling little still, "My eyes literally can't bare laugh."

"Its a cute thing about you. I like it." She looks at me little hesitant but she replies, that she appreciates my compliment.

"Your voice is...mesmerizing." I admit out loud; causing her silent.

She laughs awkwardly, "Thanks..."

I turn my head away from hers, trying to hide little unreasonable smile forming on my lips, reminiscing the day.

I wanna keep seeing tears of joy in her eyes. It's my favourite thing about her.

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