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I inhale sharply as my eyes meets her beautiful blue ones. I wish I could have this view every morning.

"June wanted to talk." Mallory says, holding a phone out for me.

I personally expected June to be on other side of door when I heard knock.

But this is way better.

Not that June isn't good. But just try to get it—Mallory is my first love—my comfort person, she feels like home.

"Yes?" I question pressing phone to my ear. "Oh, I was just wondering that you'd may wanna come with me to mobile shop, as we both have lost ours." I nod to myself on her response. There's a long process we're gonna have to go through for our mobiles. Old number has to be transferred to new sim—a lot.

"Yea that sounds about cool. When are you available?"

"In afternoon?"

"Alright, I'll call you when we'll go—wait! Are you not coming over today?"

"I take off on Thursdays."

"Alright, I'll make call." I tell cutting phone without her response, because I hate making Mallory wait. Though she doesn't looks desperate anywhere. But yet.

"Thanks." I hand over phone to her.

She smiles lightly and says, "I'll arrange breakfast, is pasta gonna be okay?" I nod smiling back.

We do have memories with pasta—she cooked when I was sick.

Well, pretending sick.

Her head turns back and she glances up. "You can feel it?" My eyes squints in confusion, she elaborates, "The weather? We used to be in college at this hour." I grin on her sudden remembrance.

"Yes," I tell, "Time flies." Her shining eyes flickers to mine.

I love everything about you.

"I didn't thanked you yet." She softly says, "What you did for Bridget—it means a lot."

I did it for you. I wanted you to keep smiling.

"I didn't fulfill my job, I...it almost..." I search for words to explain. But its embarrassing to tell I actually didn't do anything.

"You pulled the gun down Harry. It was your life at risk, it takes courage to do that."

"How is she doing now?"

She forms her lips in line, "She's...scared."

I give a small smile, "She's braver than me, she warned them to not hurt me." She chuckles.

I love when her smile reaches her eyes. It melts my heart. She always melts my heart—from the moment I saw her. People may tell that 'Love at first sight is fictional' but it's not for me. It's not fictional, it's real. You can love someone by just a glimpse. Because the women in front of me is an angel. How can you not fall in love with an angel? Angel by every form. By her looks, her voice, laugh, nature—everything.

"I hope you feel comfortable here." She points behind me in house.

"I do." And silence falls, I can hear my heart beating faster. Its the tension in air. The urge I'm suddenly having to kiss her as my gaze flickers to her pink lips.

I know she can sense what I'm feeling, it's in her eyes. Her body language says it all, she knows what I'm thinking. The proximity between us is just one step. Just one.

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