Words That Inspire

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Erza was out in the town square, her Heaven's Wheel's armor requiped, she was summoning swords, hundreds of them one by one, anything she had she used. "I call upon the power they lies within my swords, give me strength, help me protect my dear city and my beloved guild. My comrades in Fairy Tail lend me your strength as well"

Half way across town a weak and bruised Gray lay on the ground, he heard her plea for strength, he pulled himself to his feet "If Erza is asking for help, it must be serious. We got to do something, but what?" Gray stood and thought for a while, he gazed upon a near by tower that had a large view of Magnolia "I know, if i can find a way for everybody to hear her, then we can band together to lend her a hand" Gray held his side and stumbled as pain washed over him, he held onto the near by wall for strength

"but i'm going to need Waren's telepathy to pull that off" Gray began to stumble to the streets. Lucy I hope you're not caught up in all of this.

~At Magnolia Cathedral~

"Regulus: Light of the Lion" The celestial spirit said as light surrounded Laxus, he dodged quickly and fought back with his lightning. The two magic collided creating a large mass of smoke. Loke slide back out of the smoke from the power of Laxus' lightning punch

"Don't you see what has happened to our guild, Loke" Laxus said

"What?" Loke said confused

"Thanks to the old geezer, Fairy Tail is nothing but a joke, can't even protect our own members" Laxus yelled as he created a great ball of lightning in his hands, it sparked yellow in lightning, small sparks grew wild around him making Leo flinch back, Laxus fired his lightning towards him. The spirit dodged before it could hit him.

"All i'm trying to do is make things right" Laxus yelled as he continuously strikes his magic down on the spirit, he dodges with amazing skill. "When i become master, my name will strike fear into peoples hearts, i will finally protect her from all harm" Laxus yelled his eyes going frantic with power as he finally landed a strike on Loke. The magic power hits him hard and he is sent flying into a near by column, he falls to the floor with a grunt

Laxus laughs in mockery, Loke looks up at him with anger

This is no way to protect Lucy


Lucy felt her eyes flutter open to see she was in her apartment. Maybe it was all a dream she thought, but when she tried to sit up her limps screamed in pain and she fell to back onto the bed. She couldn't remember what had happened, she was about to fight Laxus but she blacked out. Maybe she blacked out from the pain. Wait, so what happened then, Did he take down the Lacroma? Who brought me here? What happened to Erza? A rustling beside her, warned her she wasn't alone. She slowly turned her head to she an expressionless Virgo. Wait, Virgo?

"Miss Lucy, you are awake" Virgo said, even though you could not tell with her expression she had relief and worry in her eyes, she began to fill Lucy in on the current situation


Gray walked though the crowd in the town square, clutching his side in pain

"Hey, Warren Rocko, I could use your help right now" Gray yelled into the crowd

~Magnolia Cathedral~

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