Battle Plan

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I slowly opened my eyes adjusting to the light beaming in from curtains. I looked around the bedroom and found it not to be my apartment, or any place i was familiar with, I sat up looking around. The walls where a dark wood and the window showed a view of a forest near magnolia. The sheets where dark grey and the room was plain besides a closet, their were two doors on the wall opposite the windows, the bed being in the middle. Memories of last night began to surface and i started to panic. 'where am I' I thought to myself. I climbed out of the bed slowly, i looked down and saw i was in fresh clothes, a plain tee-shirt and shorts, there were also bandages around my arms and legs, i also lifted my shirt to see a big bandage around my waist. I slowly made my way to the door, looking though the small crack. Their was a muscular man laying on the couch looking up to the ceiling.

'Laxus' I remember he had got back from the guild after his month long mission last night and was shocked at the sight of Natsu's flames aimed at me, then he was angry and punched Natsu. I thought I would be safe when i was in his arms and looked up to she him but then he zapped me unconscious. I started to panic. Did he hurt Gray? What happened to the guild? What does he want with me? 'I have to get out of here'. I quickly but quietly made my way to the window and slowly unlocked it and lifted it up to open it. I started to climb outside when a large arm grabbed me around my waist and pulled me back inside. I looked up to see Laxus and i started to scream and try to squirm out of his grasp but he was to strong compared to my weak form. I felt a soft mattress make contact with my back and thats when i got really scared. He managed to pin my arms on either side of my head

"Laxus, let go of me" I yelled still trying to squirm of of his hold

"Lucy, calm down! you will reopen your wounds, I'm just trying to help you" Laxus said in a determined tone

"No, you bastard you tasered me, i hate you" I said on the verge of tears.

"Lucy calm down. I'm doing this for you, understand that" still determination in his voice

"Why Laxus? Why? I trusted you" I yelled tears streaming down my face

"Ill tell you everything you just got to calm down" Laxus said his eyes pleading me to understand

After awhile i nodded in agreement. Laxus slowly unpinned my wrists and lifted off me to sit on the bed next to me. I sat up and looked at him, wiping the still wet tears on my cheeks with the back of my hand, i looked up at him ready for his explanation.

"When I saw what happened in the guild, I was so furious I lost control of my magic and almost bet that flame brain to a pulp, Lisanna as well" Laxus' hold onto the side of the mattress tightened breaking thought the fabric. "but when i finally knocked her out she wasn't Lisanna at all, it was a illusion mage from another dark guild that had bad blood against Fairy Tail. I didn't have time to sort out what to do with her because I quickly went to search for you to see if you where all right. Once I found you, you were in your apartment, badly hurt, crying. It hurt me so much to see you that way, when you ran into my arms, I wanted to make it better, to take away the pain that they caused." He moved his hand to cup her cheek as tears began to flow at the memories, wiping them away with his thumb. "Then Gray was at your door asking for you, I didn't want you to see him, scared it would hurt you again but by doing what I did, I guess I ended up the bad guy yet again." He slowly let his hand fall back to his side looking away from her teary eyes to look at the floor. "The old man, Gray, Erza, Levy, Mira, everyone in Fairy were to weak to stand up to Natsu and the illusion of Lisanna, They were to weak to protect you. The old man has decided to let enemies from Phantom Lord into the guild, THE VERY PEOPLE THAT HAVE TORTURED YOU." Laxus yelled in rage standing to his feet still not looking towards her. "I am planning to change that, I was going to wait till i was master of the guild before i did this but it can't wait any longer."

"What are you planning to do, Laxus?" Lucy asked, Laxus finally turned to Lucy looking her in the eye with pure determination

"I plan to make the guild stronger, I will do a great battle to determine the strongest in the guild and i will take over the guild so no one can ever hurt you ever again, Lucy. With my team, we can make sure your safe from every threat and every enemy. I wasn't able to protect you from Phantom Lord but I will make sure that never happens again. I will start an ultimate test, The Battle of Fairy Tail!"

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