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A week and a half had passed since the almost-kiss with Paige at the football game. In that time, I'd been busy with my track practices and classes, trying to maintain some sense of normalcy while the memory of that moment still lingered in my mind.

Jada knocked on my door, breaking me from my sleep and I groaned. I looked at my phone seeing that it was 9 am already, but it's a Saturday, and I don't want to be up this early.

Jada had an enthusiastic gleam in her eye, her ever-confident demeanor radiating excitement. "Dione, we're going to the mall today!"

I blinked at her, a little disoriented from being roused from my thoughts so early. "The mall? Why?"

Jada rolled her eyes playfully. "Well, it's about time I got myself some new clothes, and you, my dear friend, need a reason to get out of this room."

She was right. The past few days have been an everlasting cycle of me only leaving the apartment for classes and practice, praying that I don't bump into a certain blonde. A trip to the mall sounded like a welcome distraction.

"Alright, give me a few minutes to get ready," I finally said, and Jada cheered in response.

We entered the mall, the air-conditioned interior providing a welcome escape from the summer heat. Our first stop was an accessories store. Jada immediately immersed herself in a sea of handbags, while I browsed the scarves and jewelry, more out of curiosity than a genuine need for anything.

As we chatted and laughed, I noticed a flash of movement from the corner of my eye. Turning, I saw the one person I was hoping I wouldn't see—Paige. She was walking through the mall, a casual yet stylish outfit complementing her easy confidence. She looked happy and carefree, a striking contrast to the intensity of our encounter at the football game.

Paige wasn't alone. She was walking with Azzi and KK. They seemed to be engrossed in conversation as they moved closer. I hesitated, uncertain about how to react. Of course, I managed to find myself alone in the store as they walked in and Jada was nowhere to be seen.

I walked further away from the entrance, desperately trying to find Jada when Azzi seemed to notice me. She smiled at me before she whispered to KK, who gave Paige a sly grin. Without warning, she nudged Paige in my direction, and Paige stumbled slightly before catching herself.

Paige's eyes met mine, a mixture of surprise and hope in her gaze. I didn't know what to expect, but I couldn't deny the curiosity that stirred within me.

As they approached, Paige took a step toward me. "Hey Dione," she said, her voice a little tentative.

"Hey, Paige."

Paige seemed a little nervous, and I couldn't blame her. But Paige surprised me by speaking up.

"Is it okay if we talk?" Paige asked, her tone sincere. "I've been wanting to talk to you for a while, but I haven't seen you around lately."

I considered her request, my mind racing with questions and doubts. I didn't want to make any hasty decisions, but something in Paige's eyes made me agree. "I'm pretty busy right now, but you can come over to my apartment later tonight. I'll be there."

Paige's face brightened with relief. "I'll be there."

As Paige continued her stroll through the mall, I turned back to see Jada, who had been silently watching the exchange.

"Where the hell were you!" I said, with annoyance in my tone.

She held up her hands in surrender "I went to pay for this adorable hat!", she said defending herself while I shook my head.


The hours leading up to my meet-up with Dione were a rollercoaster of emotions, a mix of nervous anticipation and anxiety. My mind had been occupied with various scenarios, as I attempted to brace myself for our impending conversation. I couldn't accurately predict how it would unfold, but all I could hope for was an opportunity to clear the air between us. I found myself standing outside Dione's apartment. The sun had set, casting a warm glow on the buildings. I took a deep breath, my nerves settling in. This conversation was long overdue

When Dione opened the door, I was momentarily struck by her beauty. She looked effortlessly casual and attractive in a simple t-shirt and shorts, her dark hair pulled back into a loose ponytail. Her eyes held a mixture of curiosity and wariness as she greeted me.

"Hey, Paige," she said, gesturing for me to enter.

"Hey, Dione," I replied, stepping into her apartment. Despite my initial nervousness, I couldn't help but feel somewhat relieved to finally be here.

We settled in her living room, and she offered me a drink. We made small talk for a while, discussing our classes and sports. It was a pleasant distraction, but I knew we couldn't avoid the reason I had come.

After a comfortable lull in the conversation, I decided to address the elephant in the room. "Dione, I wanted to talk to you about what happened at the football game."

Dione looked at me, her expression guarded. "Okay, go ahead."

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of our conversation settling in. "I realize that my actions might have taken you by surprise, and for that, I'm sorry. I've been reflecting on it, and I just wanted to understand your perspective better."

Dione's gaze remained steady, she was clearly a little bit nervous. "Paige, it's not that simple. It's not just about that moment at the game. I'm just..." she paused as if thinking about what to say "I'm just confused about why you're being so nice all of a sudden. It's not something I expected."

Dione being honest surprised me, but I appreciated it. Picking my words carefully, I said, "I know high school wasn't great between us, but that's in the past. We've both changed, and I don't want that negativity anymore. I want us to be friends, or at least on better terms."

Dione's eyes revealed a mix of emotions, and it was clear she was contemplating my words. "Paige, I'll be honest with you. It's a little bit hard for me to believe that any of this is real. We've gone from hating each other to nearly kissing each other in a matter of weeks."

"We don't have to rush anything. We can take it as slowly as you're comfortable with. I just want the chance to show you that I've changed, and I genuinely care." I said sincerely

Dione looked deep into my eyes, her guard starting to lower. "Okay, Paige, we can take it slow. But I'll be cautious, alright?"

I nodded, feeling a wave of relief that we were at least opening up a line of communication. "Of course" I said as she leaned in to hug me. I welcomed it with open arms.

"Do you want to stay for a bit? We can watch something?" Dione asked looking up at me. I agreed as we both settled into the couch looking for something to watch.


paige.mbueckers added to their story

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Sorry it's been a while, I've been trying to balance school and sports but I'll try and update this more often.

not proofread 

It was always you||Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now