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The first week of college had left me feeling drained. The stress of new classes, assignments, and trying to find my way around campus had left me in need of some downtime. I collapsed onto my bed, letting out a long sigh as I stared up at the ceiling. Just as I was beginning to drift off, my phone buzzed with a text notification.

It was Damien. Since he gave me his number, we had been texting here and there and he was actually a really nice friend to have. He asked if I wanted to hang out later that evening. For a while I contemplated not going —I was tired and the idea of going out felt overwhelming. But then again, maybe a change of scenery would do me some good. I texted back, agreeing to meet up, with the warning that I wouldn't be drinking since I planned on driving back home.

I got up and took a long shower. I shaved my legs and washed my hair. Once I got out, I did a blowout style on my hair and moisturised my skin. I walked into my bedroom closet to find something to wear. Usually, I would ask Jada to help but she had gone out with some girls from her soccer team so I was left to choose.

After much back-and-forth, I settled on a black floral corset top that highlighted my curves just right. It had this delicate charm and boldness that paired perfectly with my black midi skirt. I paired it with some silver jewellery details and black Doc Martens. Happy with my outfit, I did a simple but elegant look for makeup before leaving the apartment and driving to the place that Damien had said to meet at.

The place we decided to meet was a local hangout spot, not too crowded and with a relaxed atmosphere. When I arrived, Damien was already there, waiting with a friendly smile. We greeted each other and found a spot to sit, falling into easy conversation about our classes and the various challenges of college life.

As the night wore on, I noticed the crowd around us growing livelier. The sound of laughter and music filled the air, creating a vibrant backdrop to our conversation. Despite my initial tiredness, I found myself enjoying the evening. I could feel more and more people around me getting drunk and I was planning on leaving soon. Damien had gone to the toilet as he was planning on leaving too.

However, a commotion near the entrance caught my attention. Among the laughter and chatter, there was a voice that stood out—loud and slightly slurred. My heart sank as I recognized it. Paige. She stumbled out of the crowd, clearly more than a little intoxicated. A mixture of surprise and concern washed over me as I watched her stumble over to the bar.

Before I knew it, Paige was heading in my direction. Her steps were unsteady, and her gaze seemed to search for something. She finally noticed me and stumbled over, a goofy smile on her face. "Dione! Hey!"

"Hey, Paige," I said, my voice laced with a mix of surprise and worry. "Are you okay?"

Paige giggled, her speech slightly muddled. "Yeah, yeah, I'm good. Just having a great time!"

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, a mix of disbelief and concern crossing my features. "You're not driving in this state, are you?"

Paige shook her head, her smile fading for a moment. "Nah, Nika and Azzi are here. Don't worry about me!"

Her words were a bit slurred, and I knew I couldn't let her wander off in this condition. "Okay, let's get you some water," I say as I guide her towards the bathroom, figuring she could sober up a bit. As we entered, I tried to hide my concern.

Paige leaned against the sink, her gaze unfocused as she looked at her own reflection "You know D, you're really pretty."

I blinked in surprise at her statement, taken off guard by her sudden compliment. "Uh, thanks, Paige."

It was always you||Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now