Chapter 1 - Arrival

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Tubbo POV:

Tubbo couldn't help bouncing between seats on the bus, moving from one friend to another, exclaiming over his nerves and excitement as they drew closer and closer to the city that would hold their greatest achievement. The Olympics.

He supposed caffeine to adjust to the Timezone was quite clearly a mistake, and from the sighs coming from Puffy and Phil, he knew they probably regretted allowing him to have some.

Still, caffeine and nervous energy aside, today was definitely the best day of Tubbo's life so far! The Olympics! He was headed to the Olympics! He was going to be an Olympic Synchronised Swimmer! The hours he had dedicated to this sport would finally pay off.

Oh he hoped they won, but even if they didn't, just being here, performing here, was an honour, and not one they hadn't earned.

"Wilburrrrrr!" Tubbo called, bounding to the next seat, and sitting cross legged on the chair next to the other boy.

"No Tubbo, you are NEVER again getting coffee from me," Wilbur grunted back, his earphones still in, guessing Tubbo's words before they were said. Tubbo couldn't help but laugh at how far that was from his thoughts.

Instead of explaining, he stole one of Wilbur's earbuds and plopped it into his ear, listening excitedly.

"New song!?" Tubbo asked as he did so, only to groan as the familiar tune washed over him. As much as he loved Wilbur's work, there was only so many times he could listen to the Taunt x One Day mashup that Wil had created for their team music. Hour after hour, day after day, constant training, the same song repeating regularly. It got on Tubbo's nerves to hear any of his training songs outside of that. Besides, if he listened any longer he'd start land-drilling, and today was not a day for training. Today was a vibe check, and Wilbur's vibes were meh.

"Come onnnnn play something newww!" Tubbo whined, poking Wilbur's arm sharply.

"I'm trying to practise Tubbo, we are on the way to the Olympics and I still keep messing up the stupid 3rd figure."

"Get out of ur head Wil, u do great when u don't overthink it!"

"Please Tubs, I gotta focus, maybe music later?" Wilbur insisted and Tubbo grunted, unenthused, before jumping between seats again to talk to Aimsey this time.

Puffy POV:

Puffy couldn't help but smile as she watched the team she had practically raised in the last few years, preparing them for the Olympics as best she could. Her flyer, Tubbo, was as bouncy as always, currently harassing Aimsey who was the flyer for the second lift, where Tubbo had been too far from the center of the pattern to reach it.

At least the over energetic boy was leaving Wilbur alone, Wil was tired and stressed and not in the chaos gremlin mood that Tubbo was. Aimsey was of course nervous, but unlike Wil, Tubbo's pure energy was helping that, not harming it.

Scanning the rest of her team, she couldn't help but chuckle at Ranboo, who was sprawled across the seats, fast asleep, clearly worn out from Tubbo's constant badgering. He was matched there by Niki, across the aisle from him and also sleeping, although she was curled up in a neat ball leaning against the window, a high contrast to Ranboo's chaotic slump.

Techno was, as always, reading, but this time at least he was joined by Eret, and the two were chatting quietly about the book. It wasn't much, but it was always nice to see how relaxed Techno was with the team. She remembered the way he used to only speak to Wilbur, not knowing how to talk to the others, but one by one they found their way in, becoming a family.

Right at the back of the bus lay Fundy, head in Sally's lap as she braided his hair that he'd been growing out for months. It was clear she was the mother of the group, although Puffy wanted to put a claim to that herself. She was there coach though, and what it came down to was the simple fact that they were a team, through and through. They would know something was up the moment anything happened. They would be there for each other regardless of what competition, routine or coach.

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