12 - studying together

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Charlie Dalton:
Charlie doesn't really like studying but he'll take a opportunity if it's with you. When you're studying together it's more like him joking around mostly. It's to a point where it could annoy you cause you're trying to study. But he'll always get a laugh out of you. And you guys have a lot of breaks cause Charlie calls for them.

Neil Perry:
Neil will study with you anytime if you ask. And he'll help you too of course. He loves studying though for Mr. Keatings class. <—He likes reading poetry with you and writing poetry for you. Occasionally while studying he'll give you small kisses and you guys would just stop and talk about random things.

Todd Anderson:
It's quiet with Todd, I mean you guys could get distracted just talking about random things or getting off task for asking a question but either than that study time means study time. But it's nice cause you guys get to help each other out and give each other your class notes to help one out.

Gerard Pitts:
Gerard will study with you and it would be super helpful. He would help you out on anything and even if he doesn't get it he'll figure it out endlessly just to get an answer. Occasionally you guys will sit and just talk or just kiss each other. Even have a make out sesh (🫣) but it's okay cause at the end everything gets figured out.

Knox Overstreet:
He would study but spend too much time staring at you. Sometimes you have to remind him to focus on board and finish whatever he's doing. Of course he'll be close to you while studying like holding you and having his arm around your shoulder, and kisses are must included. You get your studying done but knox most of the time doesn't.

Steven Meeks:
Steven loves a studying session with you. He likes  to help figuring out things and it makes him feel good if he helps you with something that you are struggling with. He would probably just kiss you on the cheek every time you get something right. He likes to see you work hard and then be proud of yourself for something you answered/figured out.

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