Chapter - 12

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Aditya's POV:

My life was set up in London but now I need to move back to India. This place holds a special place in my memory as living far away from family is tough but I made few friends. Soon they turned into family. I started working in various firms here and learned new things. Everything will be surely missed but now it's time for me to go back to my country. I missed my family a lot. My mother is the one to whom I am close to. With my father, I share a good bond but our conversations are usually short and crisp. My relationship with my brother is not great we don't talk much. We respect each other's space and don't interfere in each other's life much. It can be due to the fact that we have lived apart most of our lives. We only spent our childhood together then he moved away to study. When he returned for work it was my time to move. So the relationship has always been formal not personal hardships are shared. Recently he got married to a girl I could not attend his wedding due to work.

My flight landed in India and I rushed to go home. The only reason to go home was my mother who would be waiting for me to come home. I booked a cab and started my journey to surprise my mother. On reaching home I rang the bell and was waiting for someone to open the door.

To my surprise, a beautiful girl opened a door for me. We were looking at each other's eyes. She was just frozen to see me. Why was she shocked to see me? I thought.

"Pihu who is there?" Mom shouted from inside. We were brought back to reality by the voice of my Mom. She cleared her throat and I passed her without giving another glance at her.

I gave hugs to Mom and Dad. Then Mom introduced me to the unknown girl I met at the door. She was Pihu Shlok's wife. I don't know but I felt a pang in my heart. I never met her but there is something telling me that I have known her for ages. I ignored all these emotions and kept them aside for now.

I extended my hand for a handshake but as usual, Mom asked me to touch her feet. I didn't want to touch her feet so I avoided it smothily saying it was "Aditya's way of greeting her sister-in-law."

Then I went to change in my room. My room was simple and not much decoration was done. The walls were kept simple and the bed was at the centre. Each side of the bed had a side table having a side lamp. To its left was the closet while right side was a small table. The opposite bed wall has a television attached.

Everything was still the same and it feels good to be back

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Everything was still the same and it feels good to be back. I changed my outfit and then went down for dinner.

While having dinner we had a small talk like how I was there back in London and so on. I thought Pihu might be bored about hearing all this conversation so I started asking about her. While we were conversing Mom asked me to not call her by her name.

"Come on Mom she is younger than me. I don't think my brother has any problem with it?" I asked Shlok about it. I know he was the least interested person to care what I call his wife. I have heard about their relationship from Mom. They are not in love because it was an arranged marriage setup but seeing the awkwardness I can feel they have not taken a single step toward each other.

"No" saying he excused himself and left the table. Hearing his reply a smile crept on my face. It seemed I really hit the correct spot. They were just married on the papers.

What the hell Aditya Why do you care?  I asked myself. "I just wanted to have nothing much" I reply to my own question

After dinner, I went to my room to sleep as I was really tired. I was tossing but sleep was not coming. It happens to me whenever I change a place it is difficult to get sleep for a few days. So I decided to go out.

I was roaming around the house for 30 minutes. After feeling sleepy I went straight to the kitchen to drink water. I drank the water and was about to go out when I heard someone entering. I was in no mood to explain anyone anything so I hid myself behind a pillar.

When I looked who the person was she was none other than Pihu. I don't know why I wanted to see her scary face. I whispered "Hi" in her ears.

She was about to shout when I put a hand on her mouth. She tried to pull the hand away but the efforts were going on vein. So I ended her misery and turned her around. Our faces were almost touching. We were just standing there looking at each other eyes. One hand was on her mouth while the other was on her waist. Her body was reacting to my touch and at the same time, my body was also reacting when she was this close. This has never happened to me just one time.

"You look hot," hearing this she started to blush. She had a smile plastered on her face and her eyes were looking down. She was trying to hide that blush from me.

One moment I was admiring her beauty and the next moment she bit my hand. "Fuck woman", I cursed to no one in particular.

"Firstly stop cursing and secondly you were the one who scared me first," She said to me with her hands folded in her chest.

"Firstly I did not know you would be scared and secondly I did it to stop you from screaming," I replied in the same tone. Scaring part I was lying but I didn't want to reveal it to her. After that, our banter started. I enjoyed teasing her and seeing her body react in this way.

Then suddenly she said, "Because I am your brother's wife."

This hit me like someone had poured a cold bucket of water over me. I don't know why but now I was fuming with anger.

I took a deep breath and released her from my hold. I took one step away from her I don't want her to show me this side. My anger is the only thing that I can't control. It brings out the worst side of me.

As I said it brought my worst side out so I said "Only on paper." I left without looking at her reaction as I was still angry. I don't want to say anything further which I would regret.

I don't know why I reacted in this way. In one second I was teasing her and in the other, I was fuming with anger. This woman really brings all my emotions out.

I need to keep my distance from her thinking that I went into deep slumber.

Author's Note

Hi lovely readers🙋‍♀️

For Aditya's part, I don't want to repeat the dialogues again so I will be cutting it short. I will just explain some points that will show his emotions and his theory on why he reacted in such a way.

I hope you liked his POV🤞

I hope you liked his POV🤞

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