Warm You Up

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Authors Notes: 

I cant promise consistent posts, but I will post as much as I can. This book will be filled with lots of Fluff, Angst, and Smut when I want to write it. Mostly this book is just for fun, so updates might be sporadic.

Otherwise enjoy this.

Prompt: "One giving the other their jacket when its cold out."


There was one thing about investigating old buildings at night. Other than the fact that they freaked him out, they were also fucking cold if you didn't prepare yourself beforehand.

Sam had made the idiotic mistake of wearing the bare minimum of a t-shirt and jeans to their investigation of an asylum in Pennsylvania that Colby was psyched to go to. Of course, he couldn't say no when the dark haired male came bouncing into the room after doing hours of research for their next haunted location. He had no idea the temperature was supposed to drop this far. 

It didn't help that they were facing the tail end of winter and most of the windows had been broken by rowdy teenagers gathering to do their seances to communicate with the spirits trapped in the asylum. 

He had packed a sweatshirt and gloves, but he'd left both at the hotel they'd booked for after the investigation, his weather app betraying him, telling him that it wouldn't be as cold on this particular night. It also didn't help that Colby and Nate had rushed him out the door out of excitement to get the tour through the building from the caretaker.

Now here he was, standing in the middle of a pitch black hallway, alone and shivering, with an ominous looking wheelchair parked at the other end of the hall. The K-2 meter was in a tight, white knuckled grip in his right hand, camera poised in his left. 

Colby and Nate had split off to go to their own locations. They'd decided to leave Sam in one of the more active hallways with patient rooms on each side while Nate ventured into the basement with a REM pod and the music box. Colby was armed with the thermal imaging gun and another REM pod in a room where sadistic doctors were said to do gruesome lobotomies on patients on the other side of the asylum.

He wasn't sure whether he was shiverring out of fear or the insane cold, but it was entirely possible that it was both. 

A door shifting shut with a loud creak startled him, causing his breathing to speed up a little as he moved forward to where the door had closed. As he approached it, he addressed the camera.

"That definitely wasn't closed before. The windows in this hall are broken open, but there's literally no wind, its just stale cold."  Sam said, trying to quell his panic. His heart was pounding in his chest. "So i'm not sure how else that could have happened."

He paused outside the door that had slammed, stuffing the K2 in his pocket to push the door open, aiming the camera so the people watching the video could also see into the room. Add to the fact that the night vision was his only way to see into the room, himself. 

"Jesus." He breathed out, peering into the dark room warily. He was poised just inside the door frame, trying to make his eyes adjust to the dark. "Is there anyone here that would like to make themselves known?" 

Sam cursed himself that he hadn't grabbed one of the REM pods for himself to be able to communicate with the spirits that might be around here. 

"If you'd like to talk, can you give me a sign?"

Solby One ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora