Becoming Alice McCoullogh - Rough Rough Draft

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Her first memory is still blurry. She remembers the comfort she felt in her grandmother's arms. The confusion as to why she felt so small and weak. The sound of crying as her grandmother mourned the death of her daughter.

During the first month of her new life, her past life's consciousness struggled to keep hold of her mind. It took weeks of trying to finally understand what had happened. The realization that she had died in a car crash and been reborn was enough for her will to diminish. She stopped fighting for control of her new mind and let the memories of her previous existence fade away.

Alice McCoullogh, granddaughter of Rosa McCoullogh, was born an orphan. Her mother, Pauline, had died giving birth to her. Her father was unknown and he never chose to reveal himself. As her closest living relative, Rosa took in Alice as her own .

At the age of 5, Alice unknowingly began levitating in her sleep. Unfamailar with magic, Rosa made the decision to move back to Mystic Falls to seek guidance from her younger sister. Sheila Bennet was surprised at the return of her older sister. Rosa had left Mystic Falls in early twenties when she married her late husband.

Rosa and Pauline had not been born with the gift like most girls in the Bennet family. Therefore it was completely unsuspected that Alice would be born with it.

The year was 1991. Sheila's daughter, Abby, had just married Rudy Hopkins. With thoughts of teaching magic to another child years away, it took Sheila a moment to accept what was being asked of her.

"I can't teach her what she needs to learn. I know almost nothing about magic. What little I do know is already not enough to manage her abilities. It's not just the levitation. Last week a neighbor kid tripped her as she was getting off the bus. All she did was stare at him and his nose started bleeding." Rosa explained to her sister.

Sheila immediately understood the magnitude of the situation. With Alice displaying those abilities at such a young age, training would need to commence quickly. Without instruction, her powers would end up controlling her.

For the following 3 years, Sheila explained and reiterated the meaning of being a Bennet witch and how to focus the flow of her energy. Spells were meaningless for such an advanced sorceress. There was no explanation for her power. They were even greater than Emily Bennet's.

It wasn't until this time that Alice was allowed to interact with other children without supervision. She loved knowing she would be allowed to go to her cousin's 1st birthday party. Also in attendance were 3 of the founder's families and their children.
Abby had met Kelly Donovan and Carol Lockwood at a prenatal appointment in her 8th month of pregnancy. Learning that all three of them were due within 3 weeks of each other, they became acquaintances and began meeting once a week to discuss their pregnancies.
Having known Miranda Gilbert and Elizabeth Forbes in High School, Abby invited their families as well.

Alice was ecstatic to meet so many new children. Upon meeting the one year old Tyler Lockwood, she was overcome with an unexplainable feeling of jealousy at seeing him in his father's arms. She wished to be the one he was holding. She had never felt that way when she saw Rudy holding Bonnie. So why had this feeling suddenly appeared?

She next met the 16 month old Caroline.
"Hi! Will you be my fwend?" The toddler asked.
"I'd love to, but Aunt Sheila says I have to be careful around babies." Alice replied.
"I's not baby." Caroline retorted and blew raspberries at the soon to be eight year old before stomping away.

The next meeting left the parents in excited confusion. Noticing something special about the 20 month old Elena Gilbert and the woman holding her, she walked up to them.
"Hi. I'm Alice. Abby is my mommy's cousin. Did you know my mommy?"
"I'm sorry, sweetie. I never met her. Why do you ask?" Miranda questioned back the girl in kind interest.
"You remind me of her." She continued looking at Miranda for a few moments before moving closer to her. Ignoring the toddler on her lap, Alice reached at her arm to the mother's midsection.
"Oh. It's a baby. Why is it so small?" Alice asked, sensing the embryo within her womb. She placed her hand on the woman's stomach and smiled.
"It's a boy." She informed the then bewildered Miranda. Before Mirannd had a chance to respond, she was called her back to the party table.

"Alice. Dear, come and meet Ms. Donovan." Rosa stated.
Listening to her grandmother, Alice turned around and walked back to the table filled with a few gifts and cake. She stood next to her Grandmother and looked up to Kelly holding her one year old son.
"Hello Ms. Donvan." Alice greeted her politely.

"Hello, Alice. It's nice to meet you. This little guy is my son Matthew and... Victoria, where are hiding?" She paused her introduction to twirl around to the 3 year old hiding behind her legs. Kelly reached out her hand to daughter and prompted her to walk in front her to meet Alice.
"This is my daughter Victoria. I know she's a bit younger than you, but would you like to play with her while the babies have tummy time?"

"Ok." She gave a simple reply and held her hand out to the little girl.
"I'm Alice." Victoria shyly lifted her arm out to shake Alice's hand. As their palms touched, both girls cried out in shock from an unknown surge coursing their bodies. Unable to handle the sudden information attempting to bombard their brains, both girls collapse in sudden exhaustion.

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