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chapter ten: no caller id
1.04- 1.05, fear and pain - incendiary

Valerie sat in the drivers seat of her car as she drove around the town over. Willow Grove was a beautiful town, especially compared to all the burns back in OakenDale. In her drivers seat is where Valerie found peace the most, but she knew her time was coming to an end.
Valerie was slightly happy about it, because driving around wasn't helping, not like it normally did. It felt as if she had a missing piece. She felt abnormal.
It had been years since the last time she didn't feel like she was on top of the world when she drove around for fun, speeding through the roads, hoping she wouldn't get pulled over.
But tonight Valerie decided just to go home, and on the way home, she stops at a gas station to walk around for a minute, locking her doors, she goes to go walk the small track around the rest stop, but stops when she hears a howl, and all of a sudden, everything goes dark.


Valerie had finally come back to her senses as she runs between cars, coming to a stop, she sees Blake hugging her little brother as Everett stands beside them. "You heard me too." Blake says, watching as the twins run into the car park. "You heard me scream his name."
"Me too." Valerie speaks up, standing to the side, in the middle of the five. "Yeah." Luna nods, "Why?" Blake asks, shaking her head. "Because you didn't scream. You howled." Luna answers her as she takes in a couple deep breaths.


     Valerie sat on the couch in the Langs house as she had lived the closest to them, "It's fine, they're gone." Everett says, letting in the twins and Blake. "Did they find the cop?" Blake asks walking in first.
     "My dad says he hasn't heard anything." Luna answers, following her into the house, "All Ramsey saw was the blood on the tree."
     "They think he was drunk, probably hurt himself." Harlan tells them, Valerie getting off the couch to go follow them to the kitchen. "That was days ago." Valerie tells them.
     "And no one's found his body." Luna tells them, coming to a stop at the island. "No ones found any body. Cops dead, my brother could've died too if Everett didn't get to him first." Blake tells them.
     Valerie comes to a stop beside Luna, everything had cooled down after the whole bathroom thing. Everything had gone back to normal, except for Harlan and Valerie. "But why would it go after a little kid?" Harlan asks, walking around and bumping shoulders with Valerie.
     Valerie rolls her eyes, keeping her mouth shut as he keeps walking. "Because, he hit me." Blake answers them., turning back to Luna, "it's like you said, it's protecting us."
     "Protecting its pack." Valerie states, Luna nodding at the girl in agreement. "I got angry at Danny and grabbed him, and he hit me in the face." Blake tells the two.
     "Maybe it was watching, and picked up on your emotions. Like how we picked up on Everett's anxiety." Valerie tells them. "Then it definitely killed the cop for slamming my head against the wall. Because I was pretty fucking pissed about that." Harlan tells them, his eyes on Valerie as he focuses on her beating heart to keep him calm.
     He was so mad that he couldn't just go over there and hold her. Well, he could. But he wasn't going to be the first to back down and apologize. Not happening. "So, now it doesn't want to kill us? Just anyone who threatens or hurts us?" Valerie asks, glancing over at Everett as he moves towards his window.
     "What about Connor?" He asks, backing back over to the island. "He was bitten. Why isn't he apart of the pack?" He asks.
     "Didn't you say his bite was different?" Harlan asks, "Like it didn't have the same effect." He continues. "I think it was his leg. He had a broken leg, remember?" Luna asks, looking at Everett.
     "Meaning what? He was too weak to be in the pack?" Everett asks, only looking at Luna. "Well, what do you do to a horse with a broken leg?" Luna asks, looking at him as well.
     "You put it down." Valerie comments, looking down at the counter top. Harlan's eyes snap to the girl, hearing the change in her heartbeat.
     Everett pulls out his phone, looking up with a scared expression he turns the phone showing everyone that it said no caller ID. Valerie slightly looks up to see it for herself, but then goes back to looking down.
     Taking deep breaths to calm her breathing, "Is it him?" Luna asks, "It's the only no caller id I get." Everett answers.
     "Don't answer it." Luna tells him, "Why not?" Blake asks, looking at the girl. "My dad said not to." Valerie speaks up, finally felling normal again, and where she wasn't going to cry. "Well, the first time he called, he helped me." Everett tells them, looking up between them as his phone still buzzes on the counter.
     "He told me to run and it probably saved my life." Everett says, looking over at Luna. "What if he's trying to help us again?" He asks, looking over at Harlan and Valerie.
     The phone stops ringing and leaves a notification about a missed call. Luna does a little surprised gasp, pulling out her phone as it begins to ring. "No Caller ID" on the front of it.
     "Has he ever called you?" Everett asks, "Never." Luna shakes her head, looking over at Harlan and Valerie on what to do. Valerie sighs, feeling her phone start to buzz in her pocket, pulling it out, there read No Caller ID. And just like that, Harlan's phone is also ringing, "No Caller ID"
     "Fuck it." Harlan shrugs, answering the phone and bringing it up to his ear. Harlan jerks the phone away from his ear in pain, bending over and holding his ear. Valerie lets out a groan, feeling his pain.
     Everett looks at his phone surprised that it's ringing again. No Caller ID, answering just like Harlan did, he takes a second to put it on speaker just in case. "He took the flight. And on the silent planes is howling in his vain attempts to speak, he raves, and rages at his greedy jaws, the desire in their accustomed slow and slaughter and turn against the sheep. It's still eager for their blood, cause that just separates and saggy hair, his arms are changed, and as a wolf, he had the same grey locks, his hard face, the same bright eyes, the same ferocious ass look." Is all that is heard through the phone before he hangs up.
     "The fuck was that?" Harlan asks, looking at Luna and Valerie, wanting to know if they have answers. "Ovid." Valerie tells them, everyone turning to look at her. "The guy on the phone?" Blake asks, "No." she shakes her head, "The Roman poet. It's the story of Lycan, he was the king of Cadia. He built a temple to honor Zeus, but tried feeding him human flesh. Zeus didn't like that so he destroyed his kingdom with lightning bolts, and turned Lycan into a wolf." Valerie explains
     "Lycan as in Lycanthrope?" Everett asks, Valerie just nods to his question. "He was the first werewolf." Everett concludes. His phone ringing again, No Caller ID again at the top.
     Everett takes a second, sliding the answer button and putting the phone on speaker. "It kills every night." The person says, "Ok, who the fuck are you and what do you want?" Harlan asks, beginning to get pissed off.
     "At the moment I'm your teacher, so be a good student and learn." The voice says menacingly. "It kills every night. And now it's killing for you." The voice says.
     "And that's our fault?" Harlan asks, shaking his head confused. "No. The wolf kills the to satisfy predatory drive. The urges to powerful to resist, it hunts, kills, and then hides, sleeping into the next night. When the moon rises, and it begins the hunt again. You may not want to hear this, but you can stop it." The voice says.
     "How?" Everett asks, no one's eyes had moved from the phone in the last 5 minutes, all wanting to know what this person had to say. "Blake knows. It's the only reason she's still standing here." The person says, making all eyes go to Blake.
     "Together. We stop it together." Blake tells them, looking between Harlan and Valerie, the latter looking extremely uncomfortable, even Blake was beginning to want them to make up and comfort on another so they wouldn't be going through this alone right now.
     "So it's going to kill someone tonight." Everett states, "Are you listening, Everett? It kills every night." The voice says before hanging up the phone. Everett's phone rings again, getting a notification, "What is it?" Valerie asks, feeling as if she's going to puke. "He shared a location." Everett answers, zooming in slightly.


Hey my lovelies!! I know is been a while since I last updated on this, but if you've read my newest chapter on Mi Amor, my Wednesday oc x oc fanfic, if you want to read it, go for it. Anyways it said that I'm going to be posting chapters on my books randomly because I'm bored, and it'll probably happen all weekend, so I hope you guys enjoy my last minute posting.

This is also because I just got the motivation to write because my English teacher has assigned for my class to write a book basically, that can't be less than two pages, but she's posting it in PARTS and it's kinda making me mad. So I'll just use my motivation on these books!! Yayyy. If I'd finish this book and mi amor, there might just be a new book being posted, my vampire diaries one, or maybe I'll make new books, like a fate the wind saga book. That'd be fun.

Anyways, sorry for my ranting, but if y'all have any ideas on what fandom I should write in comment and tell me, because I just might write for it.

Yea, that's going to be all for this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it and have the best day ever! Bye my loveliessss!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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