Coming Clean

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Authors note: At the beginning of this chapter, there's a bit of smut. Just a fair warning. Love y'all enjoy!!!

Harry's POV

I sat in class just tapping my pencil on the desk. I looked up from my notebook and saw Emma sitting three rows in front of me with her hair up

She wore her hair in a high ponytail like she always does. I kept staring at the back of her neck

Oh how I wish I could kiss her neck softly. Then nibble on it while slowly running my hands up and down her smooth ebony thighs

I would never make her beg, I would only try to satisfy her. Make her happy and let her experience pleasure with in herself.

Then she would run her hands down my chest, and trace my abs. Then, she would let her hands wonder lower and lower

I would be begging at this point, but I don't care, I would bury my face in her vanilla scented hair and ask her to keep going

Hopefully she would but- oh shit. I was getting stiff. Oh fuck me, what do I do now?

I looked around then raised my hand. "Yes Harry." "Can I go to the bathroom?" Mr. Brown nodded and I got up taking my notebook holding it over my area and rushed out

I made it to the bathroom and sighed. "Here we go again"


I sat back down in class just as the bell rang. I sighed and got up and walked over to my locker

I opened it and put my books back when I saw Emma walking past me. I turned around and focused on my books when I felt someone behind me

I turned around expecting to see Zayn or Louis but I saw Emma. "Hi" "Hi Louie. What up?" "Well I wanted to know if you were okay."

"What do you mean?" "Well you ran out of class and didn't come back for twenty minutes." "Yeah and?" "Harry you've been doing that for a month now."

"You're worried about me?" I asked hopefully. "Harry just tell me you're okay." I shrugged. "I'm frustrated" I smirked

"Get used to it."

"HARRY" I blinked a few times and stared at Liam who was in front of me. "Liam? What happened?" "You we're daydreaming."

I shook my head and banged it on the locker. This shit is torture. I imagined that whole conversation that Emma and I were having.

I sighed, "Sorry Liam, you were telling me that-" "That the lads and I are worried about you."

"Why?" "You seem very distant." "Yeah, maybe that's because you beat up my girl." I growled. "Since when was she your girl" he challenged

I sighed, "Doesn't matter now, she hates me." "As she should, now I know exactly what you need to do." "I'm listening" I nodded

"You need to immediately build a bridge, and get over it" he glared. I rolled my eyes. "Are you done?" I asked "Okay bye" I said closing my locker and walking away

I got in my car when I saw Emma get in the car with that guy again. I saw him kiss Emma's cheek and I gripped the steering wheel so hard, that my knuckles turned white

I started the car and drove to the gym. I took out my workout clothes and walked in. "Hey Macy" I greeted "Hey Harry" she smiled

I walked into the locker room and changed quickly. Then I walked out and started punching the punching bag.

All I could see was Emma's face. Her contagious smile, her big brown eyes and her soft ebony skin

I growled and hit the bag harder. "You just have to forget her. She's moved on, you should too." I told myself as I hit the bag harder and harder.

I hit the bag one more time and sighed. I was getting a cramp in my right bicep. I took a deep breath and stretched my arm out.

I decided to call it a day and I went home and plopped on the couch. "Another day in paradise." I mumbled as I switched on the tv.

I need to talk to someone about this, but who? I can't talk to the lads about this, they'll just tell me to get over it. Maybe mum?

I don't want her to think I'm a bad person. I sighed. Maybe I should talk to her, I mean she is a girl. She would know what to do. She always does.

I walked down the hall until I was in-front of her office door. I knocked and waited patiently.

"Come in." I came in and she smiled at me. "Hi Harry" "Mum, can we talk?" "Sure honey." I sat down in front of her desk and she looked at me.

"Are you okay honey?" "No, mum I did a very bad thing and now someone I care very deeply for, is paying the price for it."

"You mean Emma?" I slowly nodded. "Harry what did you do?" "Well, I've been bullying her ever since she moved here." "Like tormenting her?" I looked down. "More like beating her up."

"Harry why? You never ever hit a woman!" "I know, I'm sorry. It's just-" "This is about your father isn't it?" I slowly nodded.

"Harry, he's still your father." "I know but I hate him for what he did to you, what he did to us."

"But, look where it's gotten you. You've had this hole in your heart and now good people like Emma are getting hurt."

"I know but that's not the worst part." "That's not the worst part?!" "I made a bet with the lads that I could make her fall for me by the end of the year and when she does, I'll break her heart and the lads will pay me for it."

"Jesus Christ Harry" "I'm sorry mum, but I lost the bet but it doesn't even matter now because the lads tricked me into saying why I was hanging out with her with Emma standing behind me and now she hates me."

"As she should." "What do I do Mum?" "Did you apologize?" "Yes." "Then leave that poor girl alone."

"I have been leaving her alone." "Then what's your question?" "My question is, what do I do now?"

"Nothing." "Nothing?" "Do nothing, live your life. The damage has already been done. You push her any more, it could end really badly for both of you."

I sighed. "What can I do now that I royally messed up? What do I do to get her out of my head?"

"Workout, focus on your studies, get a hobby. Do things that will pass the time. I mean your leaving for school in six months anyway."

"I'm not ready for this year to be over. I don't think I can handle it." I said feeling tears prick my eyes. I squeezed them shut and clenched my fists.

I started heaving trying to gain control of myself. I heard mum pull up a chair next to me. Then she wrapped her arms around me and I laid my head on her shoulder.

"I know love, the best thing that you gave Emma was the truth. It set you free."

"I guess." I sniffled. "Just know that I'll be here for you. I'm not going anywhere, no matter what. I'll be here, when it all feels so big, till it all feels so small. I promise." She whispered in my ear.

I nodded and sighed. "I'm such a terrible person." "You're not a terrible person Harry. You just, you've been through a lot."

I nodded. "Am I gonna be okay?" "Yes you will, I promise you will." I nodded. "Thanks Mum."

I feel a bit better now. I guess I'm gonna have to find a way to stop thinking about her. Somehow, someway, someday, I'll feel better again.

Authors note: We'll hello there! I haven't updated in a minute, but I'm still here. If you're still here reading this then thank you I appreciate it so much! I still have plans for this book so stay tuned! See ya in the next chapter!

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