High tops

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Emma's POV
I looked down at my shaking hands as I headed towards the stairs when I forgot my shoes. I ran towards my closet and rummaged through my shoes. "MUM" I yelled. "WHAT" "WHERE ARE MY HIGH-TOPS" I yelled still looking in my closet. "PINK OR SILVER" "SILVER" "DOWN HERE IN FRONT OF THE BACK DOOR"

I let out a breath. I turned and looked in the mirror checking my outfit. I was wearing a pink big tee shirt, black jean shorts and my braids were in a high ponytail. My thick brown and black glasses sat on my nose adding shape to my slim face.

I sighed, I wasn't the skinniest girl out there. I am 187lbs, but I used to be 204lbs so I lost a good 17lbs. I have thick thighs, and wide hips. I wear a DD bra and my stomach sticks out quite a bit but I am learning to love my chubby self, slowly but surely.

I stared at my reflection and lightly touched the mirror. "You're beautiful inside and out. You're a fuckin queen no matter what anyone says to you today" I smiled and grabbed my bag and ran down stairs.
I grabbed my shoes and put them on.

"Thanks mum" I looked up at her and smiled. "No problem Love" I stood up and hugged her. "Have a great first day of senior year Louie" I smiled at the nickname mum gave me when I was two. "Thanks mum, do I look ok" she smiled. "You look beautiful as always" I smiled.

"When are you getting the car back" I asked. Mum got in an accident over the summer and her car was totaled. She has four broken ribs but she's healing quite nicely.

"Not for a few weeks" I nodded. "Bye mum" "bye Louie" she smiled and I ran out the door. Since I don't eat breakfast I have some extra time in the morning to read and do some deep breathing exercises before school.

My names Emma Samuels and I'm 17 years. It's my first day of senior year. Most people are so excited about senior year but me, I'm dreading it.

Mostly because I get bullied viscously. Everyone hates me at my school because I'm overweight. I'm trying to loose weight though, but not for them I'm doing this for me. I wanna be able to run in gym and not be out of breath in five minutes.
Ok I'm not that bad but I used to be.

As the school sign came into view I felt my heart race and my chest tighten. I stopped walking and shut my eyes. I did some deep breathing for one minute and that calmed me down a little. I was gonna be late if I did it again so I quickly walked into school keeping my head down.

I ignored the names students were calling me and didn't stop walking until I reached my locker. I unlocked it and put my stuff inside. I grabbed my books that I would need and stuffed them in my bag quickly. I had to hurry before he gets here.

I dug around my bag trying to find a pen when my locker slammed shut. I snapped my head up and saw the one person that single handedly made my life a living hell. Harry Styles. 

"Hey Emma, I was wondering were you were. What did the buffet open early down the street and, let me guess, you couldn't help yourself" I looked down while hearing his friends laugh. I hate them so much. They've made fun of me for my weight and anxiety for three years. I'm just a big joke to them.

I tried to step around him when he stepped in front of me to block him. It doesn't help that I'm short and he's really tall. Like intimidatingly tall, the top of my head reached the bottom of his ear lobe.

"Where do you think you're going? You wanna wipe out the cafeteria with your disgusting eating habits" they all laughed. "I mean I love fries as much as the next guy but for God sakes Em, leave some for the rest of us" he snickered. "Oink oink" Niall said as they all roared in laughter.

Tears started brimming in my eyes. I looked up at him he was wearing a red and black silk shirt with a few buttons undone so I could see one of his many tattoos. He was wearing a cross necklace which I thought was ironic since I believe he truly is the Antichrist.

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