Give it Time

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Harry's POV.

It's been a week since Emma found out about the bet and I've been a wreck. I've been looking for her everywhere

At the park, at the library I even went to her house but she wasn't there. Where the hell is she? She's been skipping school too

I miss her so damn much, I've called her I've texted her but all I've gotten is silence. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time

6:30am, ugh I closed my eyes trying to get some sleep but I failed miserably. "Harry honey" "yeah Mum" "Are you going to school today"

"No" "Harry you have to go to school. It's your senior year, you need to go. Maybe you'll see Emma"

A hard pang in my chest hit me like a double decker bus when she said that. She has a point

"Okay" I whispered and rubbed my eyes, "What happened between you and Emma Harry"

I closed my eyes so I could calm myself, this weeks been nothing but a big blur. I think that's because I haven't been sleeping or eating

I lash out on everybody that looks at me funny and I haven't been hanging out with the lads lately

"I don't wanna talk about it Mum" I mumbled, "Maybe not, but your going to school today" she scolded

I sighed and got out of bed knowing there's a possibility that I'll see Emma at school. I got dressed and went downstairs 
I skipped breakfast again and grabbed my bag and keys

I sped all the way to school because I didn't want to be alone with my own thoughts

When I got there, I parked and got out. I slammed the door shut and started walking into the building

I kept looking forward when I saw a black girl get out of a car with a guy. I looked closer and saw that it was Emma

I sped walked over to her but I saw her talking to a guy that I've never seen before. She hugged him and he kissed her cheek

I clenched my fists and tried to steady my breathing. She broke from the hug and walked away from him

He got back in the car and drove off. He looks like he goes to university or around that age anyway

I ran to catch up with her but she walks fast. "EMMA" I called but I don't think she heard me

I ran faster shoving people out of the way. "Hey babe" I said grabbing her shoulder, "Don't" she said harshly

"Come on baby don't be like that" I said stepping closer to her, "I'm not your baby" she said through gritted teeth

I stepped closer and stroked her cheek, "you're my baby no matter how mad at me you are" I whispered

Her glare softened and I saw the tears resurface. "You think I'm fat" she said and I chuckled

"Yeah, but it's hot so" I smirked and she blushed. "Forgive me" she sighed, "I gotta get to the library" she said and turned on her heal and walked away from me

"So who was that guy you were with this morning" I said and she turned around slowly

"What your stalking me now" "you didn't give me much of a choice" she looked away from me

"He's nobody" "Didn't seem like that to me. You two looked pretty cozy together" I said crossing my arms "Are you jealous Harry" she asked and I rolled my eyes

"I just- I just care about you is all" "mhm" she said crossing her arms "I'm glad I amuse you baby" I smirked

"You have no right to be jealous Harry you used me remember" she said glaring at me "I know and I'm sorry. Please forgive me" I pleaded

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