Saving Grace

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Harry's POV

I woke up in my bed and my chest felt heavy. I looked down and saw Emma curled up against my chest 

I smiled and kissed her head. Flashbacks from last night flooded my mind


I walked Emma to the door and smiled. "I had a lot of fun tonight Harry" she smiled. "Me too" I said then kissed her cheek

I pulled away and saw her blushing. I'm getting closer. I bit my lip and looked down. "What is it" she whispered

"Will you-" I sighed. Why the hell am I so nervous. "Will you stay the night" she looked down

"I don't know" I sighed and put two fingers under her chin and lifted her face so she was looking at me

"Please" I begged, since when do I beg? Since now you idiot. Oh don't even get me started voice

She nodded and smiled and I led her inside and upstairs to my bedroom. I shut the door, turned around and walked towards her

She blushed, and I smirked. "Don't" she said but I continued to walk towards her.

"Harry, I'll leave" she said and I backed her up against the wall on the other side of my room. "No you won't" I smirked

"W-what makes you s-say that?" "Well you would have left already" I said and she just blushed

I leaned down and pressed my lips against her ear. "Do you want this" "mhm" "Then kiss me" I said and faced her again

I was still eye level with her so she could reach me. She slowly leaned in and pressed her lips against mine

My heart exploded and I felt like I was in a pool of lava. I picked her up and pressed her against the wall again

She wrapped her legs around me gently and I just held her there for a minute. Then I slowly walked her to my bed and laid her down

I broke the kiss for a split second and slid her shirt off. I kissed her neck and nibbled slightly. I pulled away and slipped my shirt off

I kissed her chest and she started breathing heavily. I looked up into her eyes and caressed her soft cheek

"I won't hurt you Emma. I promise" she nodded and I slowly took her pants off. She flipped us over and started kissing my neck then moved to my chest

Soon I was a panting moaning mess. That's when I realized, this isn't a game anymore

End of Flashback

Last night was amazing. She had my shirt on and if that was the last thing I saw before I died, I'd die fulfilled

I sighed and held her closer. I looked at the clock. 5:45am. Damn it's early, why am I up so early

Emma felt cold so I got up, grabbed my Jack Wills hoodie and put it on her. She fluttered her eyes open and I smiled

"Morning Louie" I whispered and kissed her lips softly. I sighed into the kiss and slowly pulled away

"Morning" she whispered. "Come here" she said so I leaned in again. "What" I whispered. "No I meant come here as in lay with me" she blushed

I smirked and got back in bed with her. We laid there facing each other for a while. She leaned in and kissed me

She got on top of me and I sat up. I started tracing my hands slowly up and down her back

She sighed and kissed my neck. "Mm" I hummed as I held her tighter. She smirked against my neck and pulled away

I pouted but she just chuckled. "Not this early in the morning Harry" I smiled. "You're too good to me Louie"

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