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Izzy's POV

I've got 18 weeks left til Issac is born. My pregnant stomach is really noticeable but I've been noticing my ankles and feet have swelled up.

"Jake, my ankles and feet have swollen up. Should I go to the doctors?" I asked Jake.

"Let me search it up, it might have something to do with you being pregnant." Jake exclaimed as he began to search it up on his phone.

"What does it say?" I asked him.

"It says you have edema." Jake exclaimed.

"Oh no, will I still have it after I've given birth?" I asked him.

"Well it says that your feet might still be like that after you've given birth." Jake exclaimed.

"Oh god, I don't want my feet and ankles to be swollen forever." I exclaimed as I started to cry.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay Izz. Your feet and ankles won't be like that forever. You're still beautiful, no matter what. Remember who you're doing this for. Our son." Jake exclaimed as he placed his hand on my stomach.

"Thanks Jake, I know that I'm doing this for Issac. I love him so much." I exclaimed.

"I love him so much too." Jake exclaimed.

"Having edema is horrible, my feet make me feel old. I don't think I can walk for long." I exclaimed.

"Well try and stay off your feet as much as you can. I'll do everything for you, just remember it is worth it one day, when our son arrives into the world." Jake exclaimed as he placed his hand on my pregnant stomach.

"Our world." I exclaimed as I smiled.

"And hopefully, our son won't turn out stupid." Jake exclaimed as I looked at him.

"Jake!" I exclaimed.

"I'm just saying. I hope he has your intelligence and not Cubby's stupidness." Jake exclaimed.

"We're the ones raising him, of course he'll have my smarts and your handsome looks." I exclaimed.

"Aww. I love you." Jake exclaimed.

"I love you too." I exclaimed as I kissed him on the lips.

Jake and Izzy: Growing a FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now