The Pregnancy Test

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Saturday 15th April 2023

Izzy's POV

My period was late. The last time me and Jake had sex was the night after my birthday party. I was scared if I was pregnant. I've always wanted to have kids with Jake when we were in our 20s but not at 17.

I was nervous and scared. I already bought a pregnancy test to see if I was pregnant. I'm worried that people will start to look at me like I'm a teen mother who is irresponsible.

I took the pregnancy test and I waited for the results.

'Pregnancy Test: Positive'

I was shocked, I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to tell anyone I'm pregnant especially Jake since I'm pregnant with his child.

Jake was currently out at the moment. Cubby was on a date with Stormy.

I placed my hands on my stomach knowing that there was going to be a baby inside me. I don't know if I'm ready for this.

I decided I should tell Jake the news since he has to be the first person to know especially since he's the father of his child I'm pregnant with.

I felt like running away and raising this child up myself, I don't want to ruin Jake's life. I was scared to tell Peter because he will be angry at us for not using proper protection.

I decided to make Jake his favourite dinner, so it will be easier for me to tell him the news. I just feel like he will leave me when I tell him I'm pregnant.

I made Pizza and fries for Jake's dinner. I just hope he will take the news in a good way. I'm really scared for this pregnancy especially at 17.

I've only turned 17 last week and I've found out I'm pregnant.

Few Hours Later:

I heard the door open and I knew it was Jake.

"Izzy, I'm home! Where are you?" Jake asked me.

"I'm in the kitchen!" I exclaimed as he came into the kitchen.

Jake noticed all the food.

"You've made my favourite meal. So what's the occasion?" Jake asked me.

"Nothing special. I just thought we would have a little date tonight." I exclaimed as I sat down.

"You've got me." Jake exclaimed as he began to sit down and started to eat his pizza.

"So Jake, you know we've been going out for a long time and that we've been together for six years now. I was wondering how you would feel if you became a father." I exclaimed as Jake choked on his food.

"Father? What do you mean how would I feel if I became a father?" Jake asked me.

"Jake...I'm pregnant." I exclaimed.

Jake choked again.

"You're what? You're pregnant??" Jake asked me as he was shocked.

"And it's your child." I exclaimed.

Jake was still shocked.

"Wait does that mean we're going to have a baby?" Jake asked me.

"Yes...look I'm sorry, I don't want to ruin your life. If you want to leave me, go ahead..." I began but Jake interrupted me by kissing me on my lips.

I kissed him back.

"Izz, I don't want to leave you. I want to be involved in our child's life. You haven't ruined my life. I'm really happy that we're having our first child. We're going to be parents!" Jake exclaimed as he picked me up and spun me around.

We hugged each other.

"I love you." I exclaimed.

"I love you too." Jake exclaimed as he kissed me on the lips.

"How many weeks are you along?" Jake asked me.

"I'm only one week pregnant." I exclaimed.

"This is the best thing has ever happened to us." Jake exclaimed as he continued to hug me.

"Thank you for staying with me. I know our baby is going to have the best father ever." I exclaimed.

"Of course. I love you too my future child." Jake whispered to our unborn child and he kissed my soon to be pregnant stomach.

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