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"M?" DELANEY'S FAINT voice chimed in from the telephone, consequently drawing Maeve's attention back to it. "Hello? You still there?"

"I have to go, Del, I'll call you back later." Maeve quickly answered and hung up the phone. As soon as she did so, the girl stood up, approaching the door with cold, narrowed eyes directed straight at Jess.

"Cut your conversation short just for me?" Jess' eyebrows quirked upwards.

"No, I just needed to take a quick intermission to tell you to stay out of my room." Maeve flashed him a sarcastic smirk.

"Maeve." Marjorie interjected, widening her eyes from her position as a, quite pronounced, hint. "It wouldn't hurt to show him around, maybe you can bond over music, or whatever you kids like these days."

"Oh, yeah, I'm sure we can 'bond' over our mutual love of The Cure." Maeve cocked her head to the side, calculating eyes studying Jess' smug face.

Suddenly an overwhelming feeling of dread washed over Maeve—it was all too familiar whenever she was around Jess. The urge to prove that she wasn't a boring, stereotypical 'teenage girl' who loved frills, ballet, and anything fluffy, which Jess somehow managed to formulate the assumption that she was that girl.

Sure, she didn't mind some of those typical girly stereotypes, however, she knew that Jess, for certain, had a set-in-stone ideal about her that, in her mind, was entirely untrue. Maeve Davis certainly had duality, and she was determined to prove it.

So, in an effort to exceed Jess' expectations of her, Maeve just plastered on a smile, to both Marjorie and Jess' surprise. "Why don't you come in, Jewel? Maybe you can take a look around my book and record collections, write some of them down."

Maeve expected Jess to simply give up, drop the act, or even make a sardonic quip over her 'Heroes and Villains' book reference, though his response entirely surprised her. "Sure," he answered as he simply stepped past her and into her room. "I won't have to write anything down, though, I can guarantee you won't have anything I'll like."

Maeve's complacent smile fell as she just met her grandmother's faux-sympathetic eyes, the woman cluelessly shrugging as she sent Maeve a 'good luck' look and headed straight towards the living room, not wanting to disturb the two.

Rolling her eyes in exasperation, Maeve just blew out a long breath, the girl then turning around and putting her hands on her hips as she reluctantly walked back into her room.

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