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JESS SLIPPED PAST Maeve on his way to the coffee vat, the boy uttering a sarcastic statement on the way as he grabbed the handle of it and approached Marjorie's table to refill her coffee. "How was your conversation with Uriah Heep last night, Davis?"

Maeve narrowed her eyes at him as she ignored the insult. "Don't you have to go steal candy from a baby or something?"

Jess finished pouring Marjorie and Delaney coffee as he snapped his fingers and pointed at Maeve for added effect. "Right, that's what I forgot to do this morning, thanks for the reminder."

"Thanks, hon." Marjorie interjected politely as she sent Jess an appreciative nod and took a sip of the fresh coffee.

"Finally, you're actually doing something." Delaney murmured into her coffee cup, and she smirked when Marjorie let out a small chuckle.

Maeve just rolled her eyes at Jess as she crossed her arms over her chest defensively from her position standing behind the counter. "If you must know, our conversation was great. As usual."

"Don't care." Jess quipped as he approached the counter again to put the coffee vat back in its place.

"We talked about books." Maeve continued, seeking to irk him as she kept her challenging eyes focused entirely on him.

"Again, don't care." Jess stated nonchalantly as he went around the counter again.

"I recommended some classics," Maeve began to follow after him, purposely trying to get under his skin as she persisted in her quest. "I told him how much you love feminist literature."

Jess finally shot her an exasperated glare as he briefly turned around to face her, the boy ignoring the evident taunt as he decided not to give her the satisfaction of revealing his disagreement and sped up his pace slightly to get her off his trail. "I'm surprised he can even read at all."

DISCO NIGHTS, gilmore girlsWhere stories live. Discover now