☆ nine ☆

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Years had passed, and no one bothered Brahms or I. We lived peacefully as we could in the Mansion on the Hill.

From time to time, Brahms would almost disappear, gone for weeks at a time. At first, I had decided not to confront him about it, but as the duration between when I saw him last to when he returned increased, I'd had enough.

Brahms appeared in the living room, as if thinking of him and summoned the man himself. I eyed him with a frown, "And where have you been?"

Brahms intertwined his fingers, fiddling with them, "I haven't been anywhere, Mikey."

"Bullshit!" I snapped, pointing a finger at his chest, "I haven't seen you in a month, and you just show up?"

Brahms shook his head, "I hadn't meant to be gone for so long." His voice was normal, and it sent a chill down my spine. I had gotten so used to him speaking like a child that it almost always came at a shock to hear it again.

"What were you doing, Brahms." I asked, crossing my arms against my chest, tapping my foot in a demanding manner.

"I was ... well," he started, trailing off while he looked outside.


"I've been trying to fix my doll." Brahms said, high pitched voice returning as he slipped into a state of panic. It was almost a comfort mechanism for him.

"Let me see the doll, Brahms, and maybe I can fix it for you." I suggested, holding out my hands.

Brahms took them and brought them flush against his chest. He stooped low and pressed a chaste kiss against my lips, his porcelain mask still on his face.

Brahms disappeared through a secret entrance in the wall and I waited for him to come back. When he returned, Brahms held the doll and a handful of broken pieces.

I went on to explain how some of the pieces had been broken too small and that I would not be able to glue it back in one piece. I apologized when he sulked. I set to fixing the porcelain doll's cracked face and frowned at how shattered the doll had been.

"This is why we should be careful with porcelain."  I reminded him. He nodded, and I could tell he was pouting. When I glued the last piece to the doll, Brahms moved to snatch it up. I slapped his hand away and chided his foolish actions, "Let it dry!"

Brahms grumbled and sulked away.


After a few hours, I figure the glue had dried enough. I knocked twice on the wall and Brahms moved the painting aside to step out.

He giggled and snatched the doll up, happy with my work. Brahms moved his mask up so I could see his mouth and he swept me into a kiss. I chuckled and let him go back to the hidden rooms, walking up the stairs to my own.

I readied myself for bed and was about to lie down when Brahms entered the room.

"Did you want to sleep with me?" I asked. He nodded, quickly, and settled into bed faster than I could have even tried. I kissed him goodnight and snuggled closer. "Goodnight, Brahms."

"Goodnight, Mikey."

Broken Shadow ☆ Brahms x Male ocWhere stories live. Discover now