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Another week had gone by, now I awaited Malcolm. We Brahms and I were awfully low on food since he missed last week’s delivery.

I heard footsteps behind me and I looked up to see Brahms.

“What are you doing here?” He asked in his child-like voice.

“Waiting for Malcolm’s delivery. He forgot last week, remember?” I answered from my place in there arm chair. Pausing to put the bookmark where I had left off, I shut the book and set it on the side table next to me.

“Oh.”  Brahms said, turning and walking away.

“Odd.” I murmured, glancing at Brahms’ doll. I had set him in the chair across from me, a children’s picture book in his lap.

A knock sounded on the door. I stood and opened the door a crack. Malcolm stood there, and apologetic look on his face. I opened the door fully to welcome him in.

“Malcolm.” I said, eyeing the corner Brahms had stalked off to.

“Hey, Mikey, sorry bout last week, mate.” His voice was slurred, as if he’d had a beer before coming.

“That’s alright. Do you have the groceries?” I asked.

Malcolm’s eyebrows furrowed. “Groceries? No. I brought friends!”

“You, what?” I exclaimed. “You know Brahms hates visitors, Malcolm.”

“What? That little doll? What could that little doll possibly do to me?” Malcolm said, giggling as if talking about a doll was funny.

I sighed, picking up the doll myself. “Malcolm. Leave. Come back with groceries next time.”

I shoved him out the door, but his foot was in the way of me shutting it fully. His hand peaked through, then his head. Malcolm’s expression had turned dark. “Michael. Let me in.”

“No, move! You’re drunk!” I screeched.

And then Brahms was next to me, out of Malcolm’ line of sight. He gave the door a shove and I heard Malcolm fall onto the stairs.

I set the doll down in the chair, turning to hug Brahms. He hugged me back.

“Don’t worry. Malcolm will be back with food soon.” Brahms assured.

“But what if he doesn’t? Then what?” I asked, quietly.

Brahms thought for a moment, or at least, considered his options. “Then… you’ll have to go buy food.”

“I’m not allowed to leave-"

He held a finger against my lips. “I’m giving you permission.”

I nodded. “But only if he doesn’t come. I don’t want to leave you here all by yourself.”

Another week passed, and no sign of Malcolm. It’s as if he’d forgotten us entirely. Now I stood in the foyer, buttoning up my jacket so I could go outside. Brahms came from the kitchen, a half eaten sandwich on a plate.

“Hey, Brahms. Looks like I need to get groceries. I won’t take long, okay?” I smiled, tugging my knit hat over my head. Brahms placed the sandwich down to fix my hat.

“I want to come with you.” He said. I paused.

“Okay. But you can't wear your mask-" I was interrupted by a whine, “I know, but other people aren’t as open minded as I am.”

“Then what do I do? I don’t want anyone to see my face.” He said, tapping the porcelain over his chin, one hand on his waist.

“Oh! I can lend you one of my hats and a fabric mask.” I offered, already holding out my other knit hat. Brahms took it from me gently, placing it on his head. I went upstairs, hurriedly, searching through my bag for a surgical mask. I picked it up with haste upon seeing it. I turned to exit the room and came face to face with Brahms. Without his mask.

My eyes widened.

“You were burned?” I asked. Brahms nodded, looking away. I held out the mask. “Here. If you want it now.”

Brahms took it, fixing it onto his face. He turned to look in the mirror, fixing his hair so it would cover most of his burn.

“I can’t promise no one will stare at you, but if they say anything rude, let me know, okay?” I asked, finding my wallet. Brahms nodded, cautiously. As if he was unsure that I could do any damage to someone.

I began my decent downstairs, Brahms in tow behind me. Once in the truck his parents left for emergencies, I started the engine and drove down the driveway.

It took us nearly an hour since Brahms kept getting amazed by the store's inventory. Not that I really minded. It was cute.

Not many people were there, but the ones who were paid us no mind.

Upon arriving back at the mansion, I spotter a black car in the driveway. “Is that your parents?”

Brahms nodded, gleefully. I parked the car to grab all the groceries since Brahms had run up and into the house, eager to see his parents. I followed behind, lugging six grocery bags in each hand. I would have to make another trip. I saw another car, too. Malcolm’s car.

I stepped inside and was met with the Heelshire family looking at me like I was an abomination of nature. I furrowed my brows, looking for Brahms. I could not see him anywhere. I did find his doll sitting in the armchair by the piano.

I set the groceries down on the kitchen counter, turning to find Mr. Heelshire.

“Mr. Heelshire. I didn’t expect you back from your vacation so soon.” I said. He shook his head. Looking around to see if anyone else was listening.

“Why did you take Brahms into town? Malcolm brings-"

“Pardon me for interrupting you, sir, but Malcolm has been neglecting his grocery duty for three weeks now. I had no choice unless you wanted me to serve Brahms rat for dinner.” I seethed.

“What do you mean? Malcolm said he brought you groceries yesterday.” Mr. Heelshire stated. I shook my head, eyeing Malcolm in the corner, as he had just walked up.

Mr. Heelshire turned to face Malcolm.

“Is Michael speaking the truth?” He asked Malcolm. Malcolm shook his head.

“I swear to you on my life, sir. He’s lying. He wants to get Brahms caught by the police.” Malcolm said.

I growled, face visibly annoyed. “Sorry that I turned your sorry, drunk, ass around!”

“Mikey?” Brahms voice called, lightly. Neither Malcolm or Mr. Heelshire heard it. I suppose he hadn't wanted them to.

“It’s okay, Brahms, sorry.” I said under my breath, apologetically.

“What do you mean?” Malcolm asked.

“You came by last week, with no groceries, and you were drunk.” I said, rubbing my temples. “Brahms and I have been eating peanut butter sandwiches for the past week straight, for all three meals. It was necessary for me to go into town since Malcolm hasn’t come. I had to use the money I was paid the first week I had been here.”

“Show me.” Mr. Heelshire demanded. I fished through my pockets and pulled out the recites and change, handing it to him.

“If you will kindly excuse me, I have perishable groceries in the car.” I stalked off to the car, grabbing the last groceries to bring inside. I shut the car door, and then the front door once I was inside.

Mrs. Heelshire stood in the foyer, Brahms' doll on her waist. I stumbled into the kitchen, putting things away. Once I finished, I took a seat at the table.


I've only just now realized that people were reading this, so I apologize for neglecting it for so long. Hope you enjoyed!


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