☆ six ☆

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The door opened to reveal Brahms. I could feel all the feat leave my body almost simultaneously.

"Oh. Brahms." I said, taking a deep breath. I turned to the sink and continued the onslaught on my hands. "This... isn't working."

Brahms stepped over, reaching up to the cabinet and taking a bottle of peroxide. He held out a hand as if asking me to give him mine. I placed a hand in his palm and he started to pour a bit. "Rub it in and then try again."

I nodded, doing as he said. The blood cane off but the smell remained. I grabbed the soap and lathered it as much as I could. Brahms set the peroxide back it its place, turning to hear his parents in the foyer.

He darted from the bathroom, turning swiftly into mine. I assumed he was going back through the mirror. I started to feel a weight on my chest. Although I had not directly killed Malcolm, it still felt like I had and the feeling of dread and sorrow rested on my heart heavily.

I could hear the Heelshires coming up the stairs so I hurried back into my room, throwing on a random shirt. I started to pack, knowing the Heelshires were coming to tell me I needed to go.

As I heard them enter the room, I paused, turnin to face them.

The Heelshire's looked at one another uncertainly, as if each waiting for the other to speak. Mrs. Heelshire cleared her throat.

"Well," She began, "since Malcolm decided to leave unannounced, I suppose you'll have to stay and take care of Brahms..."

She looked to the doll on her waist, and then to the mirror as if knowing Brahms was watching.

"Will you?" Mr. Heelshire asked. I nodded with a smile.

"Good." Mrs. Heelshire smiled, turning on her heel to walk out. She paused, as if she remember something important. "Don't take Brahms to town again."

I nodded again and the two left. I eyed the porcelain mask that resided on my dresser. Once I could tell they were out of earshot, I scooped it up and walked over to the mirror. I knocked twice and Brahms revealed himself. "Here."

He went to take it, but midway, he pulled his hand back and shook his head. "I don't want to be a part of their little fantasy story anymore." He said, hoarseness in his voice. I smiled.

"Okay." I set the mask back on the dresser. "But if you ever want it, it's here, alright?"

Brahms grinned with a nod. "Thank you." He said, before disappearing behind the one way glass mirror.

The next few days were eventful. The Heelshire's called Malcolm's cell time and time again. I sat at the table, eating my food quietly as Mr. Heelshire slammed the telephone back on its receiver, upset once again at the dial tone.

"If that boy doesn't answer, we'll have no choice but to hire someone else from the store. Imagine how it will be trying to explain our situation to someone new." The older man sighed. I nodded, absent-mindedly.

"You could always just say I'm not a social person. They could drop the groceries off and such." I offered. The old man started to nod, and then stopped as he realized something.

"Doesn't Malcolm have a brother?"

I stopped for a moment, looking up from my book. "He does, but Marc isn't associated much with the store. He's got his own job over at the Smoothie Shop."

"But he could bring groceries if we paid him enough."

"Well, I guess-"

"Yes! I'll dial him at once!" Mr. Heelshire grinned, beginning to dial the number.

That evening, after groceries had been set up and payment had been placed, the Heelshires announced they would be continuing their vacation the next morning. To which I nodded, got ready for bed, and slept in.

I was prodded awake by Brahms who knelt down on the side of the bed. I squinted against the morning sun and looked from Brahms to the clock. Realizing the time, I sat up abruptly.

"Oh! Brahms, I'm so sorry, my alarm clock didn't go off." I said hurrying out of bed to get dressed. As I tried - I struggled - to get on some pants, Brahms lent over and pulled me closer.

I nearly fell over, one leg through the pants and the other only half way. I let out a cry of surprise, turning to Brahms with an accusation.

"What was that for?" I asked, calmly, continuing to struggled with my pants. Brahms let out a laugh.

And to think we would continue to live in peace... I had been so naïve. So when the doorbell rang, I walked from the kitchen, unsure of who could be all the way up here.

I looked through the peephole, but whoever was outside wasn't in view. I shrugged and opened the door. I came face to face with Officer Brandy, a nice woman whom I had gone to school with.

I put on the most believable smile I could muster. "Officer. What seems to be the problem."

She held up a flyer. A missing person's flyer. Malcolm's. I gulped and waited for her to say something. "We found this man's car three miles off the road, directly in front of your driveway. We sampled the DNA in the vehicle. One was this man's," She held the flyer close to my face. Brandy removed the flyer from my line for view, holding a gun to my forehead, "and the others was yours."

"W-What?" I asked, surprised. Another Officer appeared beside her, forcing me down the stairs and onto my knees. I let out a cry of pain as my knees hit the gravel. I began to struggle until one of them hit me across the head. I fell limp onto the rocks, glancing up just in time to see Brahms worriedly looking through the window until all of reality faded from me as my consciousness flew from my body all at once.


that was intense... should I continue the story or leave it here?


Broken Shadow ☆ Brahms x Male ocWhere stories live. Discover now