Act 2 - Chapter 3

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Nico had finally mastered all of his powers and he was leaving Hell to test his new skills in the real world. Harry was very much against the idea, knowing that Life was focused on Nico, but he knew that he was capable of caring for himself now.

"Make sure to visit, Nico," Harry said, giving him another hug. "I expect to see you at least once this summer."

Nico smiled and hugged him back. As much as he hated physical contact, he would always accept it from his family. "I promise I'll do my best to come visit."

Draco handed him a satchel that was packed with everything and adventuring Son of Hades could ever want. Food; water; clothes; a few extra daggers; a lighter; a swiss army knife; some mortal money; a pouch of galleons, sickles, and knuts; and a pouch of drachmae. "Stay safe and don't be afraid to use your portkey."

Nico slung the satchel over his shoulder and walked off into the fiery portal that Death made. He said it was where he needed to be for destiny to take its course. He emerged into a dark tunnel and immediately frowned when he saw the glowing ∆ that was on the wall beside him.

He was in the Labyrinth.


The ghost wouldn't leave Nico alone. He had tried ordering it away, but it only persisted to whisper in his ear. It hadn't taken long for him to realize it was a shade, not under his father's realm of control.

"You can bring her back," it whispered. "A soul for a soul."

"No," Nico said firmly. "She is at peace. I will not disrupt the balance my Dad works so hard to keep. Leave me be."

The shade cackled. "Lord Hades cares not for the balance."

Nico frowned at him. "I know that."

Now the shade just sounded confused. "Then who is it you speak of?"

Nico ignored him. Perhaps the curiosity would kill him. That would be lovely. Nico face palmed as the thought suddenly came to him. He had a weapon that could kill shades. He pulled out Θεριστής and said, "I will not change my mind. Either leave, or your soul will be absorbed by my blade."

The shade instantly backed away, but didn't leave. "Let's not be hasty, Young Master."

Nico rolled his eyes and slashed at the shade, absorbing his soul in the blade. "Finally." He continued trekking through the Labyrinth until he came up on what seemed to be some kind of... ranch? He could see bright red cows, grazing on lush green grass in the distance.

A farmhouse was closer, all white stone and wood and big windows. Cautiously, Nico made his way there. He was running out of food and hoped that they would be willing to sell him some, or, at least, point him to the nearest store.

Nico had just reached the porch when he heard, "Welcome to Triple G Ranch! My name is Geryon. How can I help you?"

He spun around to see a man with a weathered face, tan skin, and slick black hair. The most noticeable thing, however, was his three chests. His neck was attached to his middle chest, while his left arm was attached to the left one and his right arm to the right. Each chest wore a different color western shirt. Red, yellow, green. Like a stoplight.

The man was unarmed, but Nico didn't feel like he could trust him. He also felt it would be a bad idea to pick a fight with him, even if he had a sword that could kill a mortal with just a touch. The man was obviously not a mortal.

Nico kept his sword hidden in his ring as he responded, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Geryon. I am-"

"Nico di Angelo, yes, yes."

Nico frowned. "How do you know my name?"

"I make sure to keep informed. Everyone needs something from me at some point or another. I suppose you need a room for the night? Eurytion!"

A giant guy with a lot of muscles came out of the farmhouse. He had a braided white beard and several visible tattoos. He held a giant club with spikes at the business end. At his feet was a two-headed dog. "Yes?"

"Prepare the guest room for Mr. di Angelo."

"Hold up. I never agreed to this," Nico said warily, watching the muscular man walk back into the farmhouse. "I just need to buy some food."

Geryon glanced at his satchel and nodded. "I can get your satchel packed by tomorrow, but for now, go ahead and take the guest room."

Nico realized that he had no choice. If he didn't get food soon, he would likely die. He frowned and followed Geryon through the farmhouse as he gave a tour. He had to admit, the three-chested man behaved very much like the perfect host. He was charming and polite and didn't pry into why Nico was in the middle of nowhere all by himself.

That night, Nico was too paranoid to sleep well. Just because Geryon hadn't made a move yet, didn't mean he wouldn't. There was something off about him, and Nico didn't think it was the chests skewing his judgement.

The next morning, Nico was restless. He needed to get out of there. It was around noon when he made his way down the stairs. He exited the front sliding door, saying, "Geryon, I won't wait much-" he cut himself off when he saw the four standing in front of him.

Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Grover Underwood, and Tyson the Cyclops.

"Nico!" Percy exclaimed, rushing towards him and looking him over worriedly. "Are you hurt? Did you get my gift?"

Nico took a step back. "I'm fine. Thank you for the armor."

Percy smiled at him in relief. "I'm sorry about Bianca," he said. "It should have been me."

Nico sighed. "It was Bianca's time, not yours. I don't think Death would appreciate you dying so soon, anyways. You two haven't even kissed yet."

Percy blushed. "Angel would be fine. He doesn't like me like that, anyways."

Nico snorted. "He visits you every week and has been bringing you courting gifts since the first time you met."

"Percy, what's he talking about?" Annabeth asked. She had a jealous frown on her face that made Nico scowl at her. No way in Hell was she getting in between Death and Percy. Nico wouldn't allow it.

Percy frowned. "Tell you later."

"No. Tell me now," Annabeth demanded.

Geryon was listening to the conversation eagerly.

Percy sighed. "I met Thanatos when I tried to kill myself the first time. It was just before my first quest. He stopped me. Ever since, he visits and we're friends."

Nico rolled his eyes. "Yeah. Sure. Friends."

Percy glared at him halfheartedly. "We're not together. He's a god."

"Whatever you say, dearest cousin."

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