Act 1 - Summary and Announcement

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For anyone who wants a summary of the past eleven chapters, here it is:

Harry can see reapers and has one that guards him named Gerald. After his fourth year, his uncle goes too far in his attempt to "stomp the magic out" of him and Gerald decides to take him away and reveals that Harry is the Master of Death. Harry becomes immortal (or, rather, can only be killed by stygian iron), along with Remus and Sirius, who are dating.

He returns to school, where he discovers that Luna Lovegood is the Master of Creation and Neville Longbottom is the Master of Life. He befriends them, the Weasley twins, and Lee Jordan (though not as much on the last one).

After the train ride, Harry finds a first year that missed the boats and helps him, learning his name was Scorpius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy's younger brother. They discover, through Scorpius, that Draco doesn't hate any of them. In fact, he actually admires them, and (although Harry doesn't realize this) fancies Harry.

Draco and Harry make up after Ron beats up Scorpius, earning him an expulsion. Draco joins their growing friend group.

After an incident in potions, Draco learns that Harry is the Master of Death and Death finds out that the only way to help Harry control his sadism is for him to find true love [Cliche? Yes. Do I care? No]. He avoids Draco, thinking Draco is scared of him, until Draco does finally confront him and they end up dating. Yay! True love!

Harry gets Umbridge removed from the school and takes Scorpius and Draco with him to Hell to escape the abusive household they live in. They meet with Hades, who tells them about Voldy's horcruxes.

They send reapers out to destroy the Horcruxes and it works! Harry then kills a ton of people, including Voldy, at the Ministry of Magic in lieu of the battle in the fifth book. He was enraged that they tortured Draco, who had followed him.

The war is over and Harry decides not to go back to Hogwarts, as he already knows everything they teach anyways.


The next act will be......... Percy Jackson!

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