238 | Old Friends

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"HOW HAVE YOU BEEN...Lev?" Kim Hee-joon asks, almost making the vice president start crying as soon as he hears the voice of the man sitting in front of him.

     Lev swallows the lump in his throat and tries his best not to break down. "Brain tumor," he answers instead, and that alone instantly made Joon look away from him. The room falls silent as the rest of the members of PHD try their best not to look too shocked to hear about what the white uniform has to say. The worst thing they can do now is look at him with pity when he's obviously trying his best with the condition he's in.

     "All of you. Leave," Joon then commands.

     "No," Uchdryd quickly retaliates, but Levi turns to him and grabs his hand to squeeze it, reassuring him that he'll be safe alone with PHD's leader.

     Ren, Killshot, and Blade started walking out of the room first with no question, while Uchdryd looked back at Levi again. "I'll wait for you outside," Uchdryd tells him before finally following the others.

     As soon as the door closes behind him, Levi takes a step forward so he can have a better look at the leader, but Joon quickly stops him.

     "Don't," he says. "Don't come any closer."

     "Why?" Levi asks back, but Joon decides not to answer him.

     "How's your king?" Levi asks instead, the question startling Joon because he never thought the vice president would even mention him.

     "You're here to be questioned. Not the other way around," Joon coldly answers this time, making Levi sigh in disappointment.

     "We haven't spoken to each other for two years, and this is how you treat me? This is how you treat an old friend?" Levi asks, obviously annoyed, but Joon continues to show him a cold expression that he usually shows to everyone else. Even Levi wasn't an exception to the ice prince.

     "Old friends? We were not friends. If you thought I cared about you for a second, you're wrong. Do not embarrass yourself here," Joon answers, making Levi chuckle.

     "What did I even expect from you? You're the one who abandoned me for a selfish man like Viktor. I should have known you'd act like this despite everything we've been through together," Levi truthfully tells him, making Joon clench his fist and grit his teeth to hide what he truly feels about the white uniform.

     The room falls silent again. Hee-joon wanted to change the subject so he could proceed with the very reason why the vice was even called here in the first place. He didn't call Levi because he wanted to talk about the past or about them.

     "Enough with this nonsense. I called you here because—" But because Joon could even finish his sentence, Levi suddenly touched his temple and lost his balance. Without even thinking about it, Joon immediately stood from his seat and ran to Levi to hold onto him tightly. "Are you alright? Does your head hurt?" Joon asks, looking at the vice president with worry in his face.

     Levi doesn't say anything for a while, but then he starts laughing, making Joon furrow his brows in confusion.

     "I thought you didn't care about me?" Levi asks, and Joon immediately lets go of him in furry.

     "Do you think this is funny?"

     "No, I don't. But do you know what's really funny? The person who I consider a brother now ignores me and treats me like some loyal subject he can just call into his castle to demand things from him. Why, my lord? Do I not please you enough?" Levi sarcastically asks, and Joon immediately grabs him by the wrist, squeezing it tight as he looks straight at Levi with anger burning in his eyes.

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