215 | Chairman Valor

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"MASTER LEIGH, WE HAVE arrived," Étienne says, shaking Max's body so he could wake up. Max slowly opens his eyes and gives out a loud yawn before looking out of the window. It was already dark out, and they were in the middle of nowhere.

     "Where the hell are we?"

     "At the address that your whistleblower sent us," Étienne answers.

      Max rubs his eyes and looks out of the window again. "What is this place? Are we in Dungeness? This is practically a desert."

     "I was skeptical about it too, but look there, a few miles away from where we're parked," Étienne then says as he points at something in the distance. Max moves close to see it too, and when he finally does, he realizes that there's this big facility in front of them.

      "Is that it?"

      "Looks like it. I didn't get close because I'm afraid they might start shooting us," Étienne explains before looking back at Max. "Leigh, I know that when you want something, you'll do anything to get it. But I'm telling you this now...this is dangerous. This is an underground company that we have no connection with. This isn't like the Mills Company where we can set a meeting."

      "Do you not know me enough?"

      "I do, and that's why I'm warning you about it now," Étienne replies, but Max just stares at him in silence. Étienne didn't want to give in as he knew the risks, but after a few more seconds, he sighed and massaged his temple in defeat.

      "There's nothing stopping you, is there?" Étienne asks, and Max nods his head, making him sigh again.

      "Alright, I have no choice then. But you're not heading inside alone like earlier. We're going in together," Étienne answers and Max immediately smiles, glad that his loyal butler is willing to do all this for him.

      "What's your plan then?"

     "Well, you said we have no connection with them, right? Then let's make a connection. If it's about business, then I know exactly what to do," Max explains.

     Étienne was still reluctant, but he finally nodded his head and started driving towards the facility. As they got closer, Max realized how big it actually was. There are thick walls that are as high as six meters, and there are cameras and guards everywhere.

      Max adjusted from his seat and painted a serious expression on his face as Étienne drove towards the large metal gate that was surrounded by guards that were even holding K9 dogs. It almost looked like they were entering a different country with this type of security.

      Étienne stops in front of the gate as a guard approaches them while the others sniff their car out. He then pulls the window down and hands him his identification card. "I am here with the master of the Sinclaire and the Lemieux family. We would like to request an audience with the person in charge," Étienne explains without blinking an eye.

     The guards started talking amongst each other, obviously surprised by the sudden visit. One of them grabbed their phone and started mentioning their guests to the person on the other line. For a moment, Max thought that this might not work out and his family name wouldn't be enough anymore. But just like the angels above heard his worries, one guard gestured at Étienne to head inside as the large gates started opening.

     Max tried his best to suppress a grin as Étienne successfully got inside the facility.

     When Étienne parked the car in front of the main building, Max looked out of the window again in amazement. He was used to ceiling large structures, but this was totally different. It felt like they were in a secret agency.

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