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"ALRIGHT! LOOKS LIKE EVERYONE is ready, so without further ado, let us officially welcome the House of Kings' pride...the brotherhoods!" Mr. Coleman shouts, and everyone instantly starts cheering; some were even on their feet.

     The stadium has three doors as an entrance. One on the left, one on the right, and the one in the middle. The one on the left opened first, and like their first day morning assembly, six students in black uniforms enter the stadium wearing clown masks, except for Krist who was smiling at the crowd, obviously enjoying the moment.

     Jokers' large banner drops just on top of the stage for everyone to see.

     The white uniforms cheered, especially the Jacks. Even Ervin, who wasn't the cheering type, was cheering loudly as the members of Jokers ran to their seats, throwing water balloons at the unfortunate students who were sitting close to the grounds. Thankfully the balloons weren't actually filled with water, but instead filled with glitter, which was more troublesome to take off.

     When the members of Jokers were now in their seats, the next brotherhoods made their entrance. Cigarettes were as excited as ever as some members were even waving at the white uniforms.

     As always, the members of Cigarettes made their way to their seats just beside Jokers. Cj then approaches Krist, and the two fist-bumped each other before heading to their seats.

     Soon after that, the members of Crazy 8 followed. Siren leads the group, holding the cane that she also held during their first assembly. The other seven members followed behind their leader. Even though this is already their second semester, no one still knows who they are, especially since they're wearing their masks all the time.

     "Their presence is really strong despite hiding their identities," Max comments, and Ari and his other friends couldn't help but agree.

     As Crazy 8 finally cozied themselves up in their seats, another banner falls from the ceiling, instantly making the students cheer even louder. BND - as the crowd's favorite - entered the stadium like they were on their way to attend a pageant. They walk in the middle and went straight to their seat; Jokers, and Cigarettes bowing to them, which was now a strange sight for Max and his friends. Marcus even looked back at the bleachers, and when he saw Max, he smiled and waved at him.

    Finally, the most awaited brotherhoods were ready to make their appearance. As trumpet sounds were heard throughout their stadium, everyone stood up from their seats to greet the Royals.

     The door in the middle of the stadium opens as Pretty Duo made their entrance first, followed by Dangerous Five, and then the fierce Hot Wingmen. Right behind them was none other than their leader, Kim Hee-joon who looked like he still didn't want to be there.

     The rest of the white uniforms and the brotherhoods bowed as PHD went to their seats while Hee-joon went straight to the stage to take a seat on his throne. As soon as he was seated, the last brotherhood made their entrance, and it was none other than the kings, Busters.

     Everyone bowed as Busters made their entrance. No one was cheering for them, but Viktor, who was standing in the middle, was waving at the crowd that was too afraid to even look back at him.

     Buster's banner falls as the members got to their seats. Viktor then went straight to his throne, but before taking a seat, Mr. Coleman handed him the microphone so he could say a few words for the students of J.S High.

     Everyone stood straight as they waited for Viktor to say something. Viktor stares at the crowd and remains silent for a couple of seconds. When he finally got a good look of the stadium, he starts, "Welcome back to the House of Kings. There is so much that I want to say, but I'll only narrow it down to one." Viktor pauses and touches his brooch before showing a grin that made the students shiver.

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