163 | Looking For Clues

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"THE BROTHERHOOD THAT WAS born during such chaos was called C1A, a brotherhood that consisted of Viktor, Tanis, Hee-joon, Killshot, Hans, Cj, and Krist. They were the ones who defeated Paradox. They were the original conquerors...they were previously J.S High's seven kings."

     The two white uniforms were left speechless after what they heard. This was a big deal, especially for Max. Why has no one said anything? To be fair, Max has always known that Krist and the others were friends in the past, and Hans also mentioned it to him before, but no one has told him that they were the previous kings.

     This was definitely ground-breaking, and the fact that even Jokers were looked down on by the students before, not knowing that Master Joker was once a king is just sad and funny at the same time.

     "I wasn't able to see the other brotherhoods like Cigarettes and BND because, as you may already know, I was expelled for exposing the horrors of J.S High through the article I posted," Abel explains.

     Max looks at Keigo and nods his head towards him, automatically making Keigo pull out his phone so he could show something to Abel. "That's actually the reason why we're here. We saw your article and we want to know about this post you made," he says, showing the article to Abel.

    Abel leans close to the phone screen and nods his head to confirm that he really did write that article. "I wrote that after we got the assignment that was given to us when I was still the leader of Omega Society. I found out a brotherhood is bullying white uniforms and forcefully taking their points so they could sell it to richer students," Abel explains.

     "What exactly happened during that time?" Max asks him.

     "I can't remember the exact details, but from what I know, we received an assignment. If you guys don't know, Omega Society doesn't really know who we're working for as they are mostly anonymous, and to be honest with you, we only do literal cleaning so we always get teased as the janitors," Abel shares, which was something that Max was already aware of, considering how he, himself, is a member, and even the new leader, of Omega Society.

     If Max didn't change what their club is about, they would have been teased for being cleaners for the rest of their school life.

     "We got the assignment with the promise of 100 merit points, which was pretty big at that time. We were asked to delete all the CCTV footage near the West Tower in J.S High. It was a pretty strange request because we've never done it before so I decided to review to camera footage before deleting them. And that's when I saw what happened..." he says before pausing to take a deep breath.

    "A group of masked men attacked this white uniform to the point where he was left unconscious. It was such a shocking scene. I just had to know what happened," Abel explains further.

     It seems like the previous brotherhoods in J.S High already knew about the real purpose of Omega Society. If we're looking at all three societies: Alpha, Beta, and Omega, the omega society has the most power to help the brotherhoods if used right.

    "I didn't delete the footage and tried to use it to help the bullied white uniform, but then the white uniform left J.S High, and then someone told the association that I was spreading false rumors. When I tried to show them the CCTV footage, it just magically disappeared, and so I was deemed crazy. I was eventually deliberated, and then soon after, I was expelled. That was the end of that."

     "Have you found out who was doing this? Who was behind the illegal auction? Was it Paradox?" Max asks, but surprisingly, Abel puts on a sad expression and shakes his head.

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