171 | Tasks Complete

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MAX DOESN'T SAY ANYTHING and just stared at the person sitting across him. It was rank 9, Justin Griffith, who had a blank expression on his face. President Ian and sir Barron were talking to him earlier, but Justin remained silent and told them that he was only going to talk if it was Max.

     "If you're still not going to talk then nothing will happen. Sir Barron will talk to you instead, and I won't be able to talk to you anymore," Max finally says, making Justin look up at Max after staring at his fingers all this time.

     "I know you're still in shock, and I know that this might be too much to take in, but there's only one thing that I want to ask..." Max says, and Justin nods his head, telling Max that he was ready to listen.

     Max takes a deep breath and stares at Justin before finally asking, "Does your brother, the Elites Treasurer, Dustin Griffiths, know anything about this? Is he involved in any way?"

     "No," Justin quickly answers with no hint of hesitation. "Dustin doesn't know."

     "Then the points he has now, are they—"

     "They're my points," Justin cuts off. "The points I gave him are the points I rightfully own. They're the points that I acquired after all my achievements in J.S High. I knew that I was going to get caught either way, so I kept the illegal points and gave Dustin the rest. You can check my merit records if you don't believe me."

     Max was surprised, but he takes a deep breath and massaged his temple. He remembered the time when Justin cried when he found out that his brother got promoted. Of course, Max felt bad, but there was nothing he could do now.

     "Kenzo is in talks about getting expelled. Since he was also able to influence other students from the lower houses to participate in his auction, their council wants to make him accountable," Max explains, and Justin instantly looked terrified.

     Max reaches out to touch Justin's hand, surprising him. When Justin was now looking at him, Max gives him a reassuring smile and says, "You don't have to worry. The students who participated in the auction will only get two days of suspension. But this also means that 1000 points will be taken away from you, as well as the illegal points you bought from the auction. You will definitely be demoted. Are you prepared for that?"

     Justin takes a deep breath and squeezes Max's hand back. "My father has always looked at Dustin and me as one person. As long as Dustin doesn't get demoted, I'll be alright. I'm prepared to lose everything, just not him."

     Max's eyes widened from shock as he watched a tear fall from Justin's eyes. He felt sad for him, not because Justin was ready to face the consequences, but because Justin was ready to do everything for his brother's sake. Max couldn't help but think of Marcus at that moment too. Because if they were in the same position, Max would have probably done the same for his brother.

     "Here," Max says, letting go of Justin's hand so he could give him his handkerchief. Justin stares at the handkerchief and slowly takes it before wiping his tears with it. "I haven't even given your other handkerchief back yet," Justin tells him.

    "You can keep that too," Max says with a smile, making Justin smile too.

     Justin wipes his eyes and cheeks until his tears dried up. Afterward, he looks at Max and tells him, "Please take care of Dustin for me when you enter the Elites. He's always serious, and he doesn't make a lot of friends. He's hard to approach at times, but if you get to know him, he does his duties with great pride and dignity."

     "Well, if I get into the Elites," Max clarifies.

     "Oh, I'm sure you will."

     "How so?"

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