amor fati

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air stabs my throat
akin to the point of a knife
the twitch of an eye
the thrum of a dying heart
and i suffocate-
i suffocate in heat and in myself,
my words coil around neck,
brushstrokes draw the blood
leaking from my mouth,
reins hang me from the roof,
and i am killed within myself.

a black and white dog lay next to me
dotted along muzzle and paw,
solemn cry,
with no response.
its name was amos-
and it was never named.
no more than i, at least.

the elk surround the corpse of myself,
crying in a mourning ceremony,
natural reclaim me,
so i call,
so it be,
so the elk say.

the coyotes dance with my body,
drink my blood,
eat my heart,
ritualistic cannibalism-
a legacy carried by me,
though involuntary,
it is fate.

and one cannot fight fate.


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