words bearing the weight of the world

11 3 0

i was told once
that hate was too strong of a word.
but i hate a lot of things.
i hate the smoke of cigars
in the back of my nose
or lingering on my tongue
i hate the smell of budget alcohol
the reminders of december 27th
and drunken parents
most of all,
i hate the angels that loom in the corner of my room.
the ones
with the inhumanly human proportions
with 6 (or 0) eyes
with impure horses
the ones that look at me
and doom me to tragedy
i am only a tragedy,
they say i reek of it.
and i am not one to disagree with angels

you said once,
that love was a strong word
because it held the weight of seven words.
but i think
it holds the weight of a lot more.
what word
describes the feeling of the sun
beating against bare shoulders?
what word
describes the taste of pastries
melting in your mouth?
what word
describes the nonconformity of sin,
committed on sundays after church?
you said once,
that love was a strong word.
i think it's not strong enough.


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