sixteen. hate sex

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𐙚⋆˙⟡♡ | I WANNA DIE (🥃)chapter sixteen: hate sex

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𐙚⋆˙⟡♡ | I WANNA DIE (🥃)
chapter sixteen: hate sex

Later that night, Damon walked into the parlour room of the Salvatore Boarding house and poured himself a glass of bourbon. After what happened with Stefan and Emory, he had had a talk with Stefan about how he tried to kiss Elena before he knew it was Emory and told Stefan to fight him but he refused. He knew that Katherine and Emory were just trying to pin them against each other and he wasn't going to let that happen.

Damon sighed to himself as he took his glass of bourbon and started to make his way out of the parlor room, but he stop in his tracks when he felt her presence in the room with him. That's what it had been like back in 1864, he could feel her in any room before he saw her face. And he was starting to notice her again, now that he had kissed her.

"Very brave of you to come here." Damon said as he glanced over his shoulder at his ex-girlfriend, who was now sat on the couch with a small smirk on her face.

"I wanted to say goodbye...-this time." Emory told him, and the two just stared at one another. Remembering that the last time she left they never got to have a proper goodbye, but Damon quickly forgot about that as he turned around to face the girl.

"Leaving so soon?" Damon said as he walked over to her.

"I know when I'm not wanted, Damon." Emory said, as she crossed her arms over her chest letting her smirk fall from her face.

"Don't pout." Damon told her, as he lifted up his glass of bourbon to his lips and took a sip of it. "It's not attractive on a woman your age, Emory."

Emory let a scoff escape her lips. "Mean." Damon didn't say anything back to the brunette, and just placed his glass on a table before walking away from her. But he didn't get very far as Emory vamp speed off of the couch in front of him. "What..-I don't get a goodbye kiss this time?"

Damon scoffed at her. "Why don't I kill you instead?"

And even as the words left his mouth, he knew that he would probably never be able to kill her not matter how much he wanted to. Because there would always be a part of him that would love her, that's the kind of power she held over him.

And vice versa.

Damon looked her up and down, as she smiled at him a little. "What are you doing here, Em?" Damon asked her, and she lightly shrugged her shoulders at him.

"I'm sure Stefan already told you I flipped the switch, so I can't tell you that I came back for you...-because that would just be a lie." Emory said, as she took a small step closer to him. "So, let's just go with the obvious, shall we? That Katherine dragged me here with her."

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