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Lilys POV.

I was in the middle of teaching when I saw my phone going off my phone was dead after I came home from hanging out with my sister. I put my phone on the charger but I guess my charger wasn't working because when I woke up the next morning my phone was dead. I figured it was probably my outlet so I took the charger and plug it in my car but when I got to the school, my phone was still dead I asked savanna if she had an iPhone charger I can use and she said yes she handed it to me and she told me just to keep it because she had one at her house so here I was teaching my class while my phone was charging after I sent my class to lunch I went back to my classroom near Savannah. We're having lunch together and helping each other come up with teaching plants when I sat down she said that my phone was charging. My phone was going off when I looked I saw that I had 15 miss phone calls, three voicemails and two text messages call the three voicemails was from my sister.

As I was listening to the first one, I slowly got up Savannah asked me what was going on and I told her that my sister called me last night to tell me that my mom passed out and my auntie was taking her to the hospital Savannah asked me what the second voicemail was and I told her it was my sister telling me that she made it to the second airport when I listen to the third voicemail I knew I had to do something so I told Savannah that I would have to cut our lunch break short and ran out of my classroom. I was about to walk into the principals office, but the lady that was working at the front desk told me that he was in a meeting, I told her that I didn't care so I busted in there

I'm sorry to interrupt your meeting sir, but I have to go. My mom is in the hospital I'll call the sub to look after my class until I get back! I said looking at him.

Lily I'm sorry, but you can't leave there is no subs to look after your class one of the second grade teachers took the last one for her doctors appointment you're going to have to stay! He said looking at me.

I can't do that so she's my mom. I already lost my dad. I can't lose my mom either if I walked out and you have to fire me that is fine but my family is more important than a job! I said, taking my school badge off and putting it on his desk.

I quickly walked out, drove straight home and pack a suitcase as soon as I put my suitcase in the trunk my phone was ringing. I thought it was my sister, but I looked and saw that it was Enrique asking me what I was doing. I told him that I didn't have time to talk because my mom is in the hospital and I had to hurry up and go to the airport as I was driving to the airport he was talking to me I wasn't really focusing on what he saying because I couldn't stop thinking about my mom and her situation. I quickly got out of the car and told him thank you when I went up to the lady at the front desk. I told her I needed a plane ticket The lady was slowly looking at the computer and typing five minutes later she said that there was a plane ticket for the place that I needed to go but unfortunately it doesn't leave until tomorrow. I told her that I can't wait until tomorrow.

She looked at me with an attitude and said that this is all she can do I was getting aggravated so I slammed my phone on the counter and told her that my mom is in the hospital and I need to get there as soon as I can. I ask her if she can do something for me please I can tell that she didn't care that my mom is sick so I looked at my wallet and took $50 out of my favorites and gave it to her. She smiled and said sure to give you the plane ticket and told me to have a good flight. I shook my head while going to check in. It's such a shame that females nowadays only care about money An hour later I was on the plane, looking out the window and I want to think about is my mother. I looked up at the sky and told my mom not to worry that I was on my way and if I have to run halfway across the world, I will.

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