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Megans POV.

After the big fight that Lily started, I decided to keep my distance from her later on after dinner I was in me and Ethan's room, rubbing lotion. On my way I was telling eat them that this whole week is just getting ruined because of my sister I also was telling him that I just don't understand why she can't be happy for us I thought he was paying attention, but when I looked, he was reading a book. I asked him if he was listening. He shook his head and said yes, and then told him that Tatiana and Annabel we're gonna come over tomorrow to help me prepare for the wedding on Friday. I was talking to him about Tatiana and Annabelle coming over tomorrow, but when I looked again, he wasn't paying attention as I got in bed I asked him what he was reading.

What are you and you don't even read books so what can be important than listening to me? I said grabbing the book .

Your mama showing me baby pictures of you guys. I asked her if I can see one of her photo albums Honestly, all of you guys were so happy! He said smiling at me.

We were I mean that's just because we were kids Ethan time has changed and years have came and go you can't expect all of us to stay the same! I said, shaking my head.

What about this picture? You were hugging your sister next to a dolphin! He said, pointing to me and my sister at the aquarium.

Yeah that was a while ago. Mom thought it would be funny if we hug next to the dolphin she would always try to take us to the aquarium, even though it was nothing that me, or Lily wanted to do! I said, smiling at the memory.

He pointed to another picture of my seventh birthday honestly, I remember that memory all too well it was my seventh birthday and mom and dad threw a birthday party in the backyard. Lily felt left out because her birthday wasn't until a few months later so I told her that she can spend his birthday with me and I will spend her birthday with her she ended up putting cake all over my face as I was talking to Ethan about the memory. I saw him smile. I immediately close the photo album and told him that I knew what he was doing. I explain to him that he may think that I'm stupid but I'm not. I told him that no matter how many pictures he shows me I'm still not going to get over the fact that my sister is ruining my week didn't pull the covers over me and told him good night the next morning I woke up and saw that Ethan was gone. I was going to call him to see where he was but I saw a sticky note next to my phone. It told me that he was running some errands with my brother and will be back later on.

Tatiana and Annabel we're going to come in about two hours so I took a shower after I took a shower I put on a sundress and put my hair in a high bun. I went downstairs cleaning up the house I thought my mom cooked breakfast but when I went to the kitchen and saw that there was no breakfast meat I went back upstairs when I saw my mom and her bed knitting. I asked her if she was OK she explained to me that she just didn't feel like getting out of bed this morning and wanted to finish up her sweater so I told her OK. She said that she will be downstairs when she gets done knitting, I went downstairs Lily's feet was on the table so I quickly moved it and started wiping the table off as she got up and gathered up her stuff. I told her that my friends are coming over so stay out of the way she didn't say anything she just went upstairs I hate being ignored, and I wanted Lily to talk to me. I honestly I figured it was the best if we don't talk to each other.

Before I knew it, it was time for Tatiana and Annabel to come over so as we were sitting on the couch, drinking some glasses of wine I was telling them what happened between my sister and the rest of my family. I told him that it's honestly a disaster week and I was making me mad. Tatiana told me that I shouldn't worry about my sister because she was jealous. She told me that I should just focus on the wedding and explain to them that my mom said that but honestly I was getting more and more aggravated I told both of them that it was just better if my sister went home Annabel said my sister sounds like a ignorant bitch and Tatiana said that she sounds like she complains a lot. Honestly, I know if my mom was here she would get mad because I was letting my friends talk shit about Lily, but I was feeling the same way they were feeling.

Later on, I waved at Annabel and Tatiana left. I got so much done for the wedding tomorrow and I knew the wedding was going to be perfect. I decided to talk to my sister to tell her about the wedding. I called Ethans Sister on Monday and ask her if she wanted to be my bride of honor and she said yes when I went to my sisters room, she wasn't there, so I figured that she was probably doing some thing the rest of the day I cleaned up around the house, looked in the mirror and thought about the wedding tomorrow unfortunately, I got a phone call from Ethan's sister apparently she got the case of chickenpox and wasn't able to come to the wedding Which means she's not going to be my bride of honor I was so pissed off as I was yelling at her and telling her that this was unacceptable. Ethan and Peter came into the room after I got off the phone even asked me what was wrong so I asked him if he knew his sister had chickenpox.

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