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Lilys, POV, part two.

When justice asked me how I liked teaching, I smiled at her and told her that it was amazing. I explain to her that my students were very nice and adorable. She didn't asked me if I was going to teach fifth grade next year and I told her that I really want to teach kindergarten, but the school I work at only need fifth graders Megan looked at me and told me that it was probably for the best and that if I teach kindergartners I was going to rub my clumsiness on them I gave my sister a smirk and told her that she should probably focus on her own career than worry about mine.

So Ethan are you having a bachelor party before the wedding? Peter said looking up at Ethan.

Oh no me and Megan decided that it's best if we skip those things Megan.. I mean we don't believe in those kind of parties! Ethan said, trying to come up with his words.

Speaking of weddings, when are you going to settle down and get married Lily? My sister said sarcastically.

I don't know I'm not really looking to settle down right now focusing on my career, but let me know how your marriage goes! I said rolling my eyes.

My mom gave me a look to tell me to calm down. Honestly, I was getting real sick and tired of everybody so to clear my mind I asked Ethan if he remembers the field trip we took in fourth grade where he ate a lot of cotton candy ended up throwing up on our teacher as we were laughing Megan cleared her throat and said that that was in the past and we should focus on the future. She didn't looked at Ethan and said that it wasn't that funny I put my glass of wine down and ask her what her problem was I was surprised when she said that I was her problem. Mom was trying to calm me down but I quickly looked at her and told her no I explained I've been trying to keep it in every since I got here but these last three days have been really getting on my nerves.

obviously, since Megan doesn't think I'm smart enough to be in this family. I'm just going to clear the air I'm so sick of everybody sitting at the table! I said looking at everyone.

What.. what did I do don't put me in you and Megan's fight! Peter said, putting his fork down.

No, I am going to put you in it growing up you and your friends would constantly bully me because I've how unlucky I was and how clumsy I was do you know how hard it was going to school walking down the hallways with people your friends at that constantly saying "oh there goes unlucky really careful. I heard she will rub her clumsiness on you" ! I said, shaking my head.

Megan, do you know why I don't like you because growing up you constantly we're calling me dumb and you constantly rubbing how smart you were in me and Peters face you graduated when you were 17. OK congratulations you don't always have to bring that up! I said looking at my sister.

What I don't rub how smart, I am in your faces I mean, if you're jealous of me, just say that and graduating at 17 is a big accomplishment! She said smiling at us.

She kind of has a point Megan I mean when you found out you were graduating at 17 you talked about it for a week until your graduation and then another two weeks while you were in college. I mean we get that you're smart, but I don't think you should be rubbing it in our faces! Peter said agreeing with me.

Well, my bad I didn't know that haters are in this family besides Peter maybe if you would have focused on school instead of running off to New York with a model, and then having a wife and a kid behind our back then maybe you could have been successful! Megan said drinking her wine.

I looked at Peter to see if he was going to take that from her but he just looked down and said whatever I've been looked at justice but she didn't say anything so I said something I told my sister to shut up everybody looked up and we're surprised. I said that my mom kept telling me to calm down, but I told her no I looked at my mom and said that I was tired of her taking Megan side. I've been told my mom that I understand that Megan was her perfect little daughter, but she should clearly see that we were here as well and I told my mom that I was tired of being the black sheep of the family. My mom kept telling all of us that she loves her kids equally but I told her to quit lying. I told her that the whole reason why me and her never got along is because she treated Megan differently from me I then told my mom that when I was six years old, she wanted me to practice piano because Megan was practicing ballet.

I told my mom that this is why me and Dad got along because he understood who I was and he was OK with what I wanted to do in my life. I just never expected her to tell me that Dad was not here I told her that I know because he was on a fishing trip. She shook her head and said that Dad was not coming back I was confused so I asked her if they got a divorce she told me that when I went away for college He was constantly catching colds so he would do everything in his power to stay healthy to see all of us get married and have kids. She told me that he was healthy for a few years but last year he ended up passing away when she said that it was like a ton of bricks hit me I don't know what came over me, but I started yelling at everybody, saying that they should've told me as I was yelling I just looked at them and said that I couldn't do this anymore and I need a minute and I ended up going to the back porch looking up at the stars.

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