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Lilys, POV, part two.

When I finally had a sub to watch my class for the week, I was going to be gone I called the principal and let him know he told me OK and then he'll see me when I get back I ended up making teaching plans for the week I was going to be gone. I called my mom after I told her that I will be going to the wedding. I heard her voice get higher with excitement. She said that she'll see me at the airport around 9 in the morning and we will get back to my hometown around two or 3 o'clock in the afternoon I had an hour to hurry up and pack into meet my mom at the airport so took a shower got dressed and did my hair. Unfortunately everything was going wrong because when I put my pants on I've been over to fix the leg and they ended up ripping so I had to change. I was scared that more pants were going to rip, so I ended up wearing some sweatpants after that I tried to put my hair in a bun, but the hair ties kept ripping, so I just let it down so it can dry as I got in my car. I looked at the time I have 30 minutes until the plane leaves so I quickly drove to the subs house unfortunately on my way to the airport. I end up getting pulled over after I got a ticket. I called my mom because she was wondering where I was. I told her that I got pulled over and I was on my way now. She said she talk to one of the flight attendants, and they said they will wait for me, but if I'm not here in the next 10 minutes, I will have to catch another flight.

Honestly, when my mom told me that I knew I wasn't going to make it considering my luck is messed up but to my surprise the check in line was short as I put my stuff up. I sat down next to my mom she asked me how my morning was and I looked at her and told her it was not very good. She told me to cheer up in that the week is just starting ended up, looking out the window, looking at the clouds my mom was reading a magazine. I asked her how Dad was doing she didn't say anything until she told me that he was doing fine. She explained to me that he was just helping my sister with the wedding in over the years that we haven't talk to each other. He has been fishing a lot.

I noticed that when she talked about him, she kind a looks sad. I honestly didn't know why so I left it alone. I ended up falling asleep until I woke up because my mom said that we were an hour away and I tried to drink a cup of water, but it ended up spilling on my shirt. I was going to rub it, but then I remembered what Savannah said, so I started patting it my mother shook her head and asked me have I done anything to try to fix may not be coming so unlucky.

Yes, I tried everything I tried picking up pennies that were on heads I tried finding Portland clovers, but nothing seems to work. If I'm not hurting myself, I'm messing everything up! I said, shaking my head.

Well maybe this week you can figure out what's going on and fix it. I want you your sister and your brother to get along please I know things have been awkward between you guys every since you guys graduated high school and I know you and your sister don't really get along but please try to get along this week! My mom said giving me another cup of water.

I'm fine as long as they don't start anything with me then everything will be OK Megan just needs to worry about her wedding and not me as for Peter God knows what he's been doing these last couple of years! I said, shaking my head.

My mom gave me a small smile and pinched my cheek. She told me that I was always a precious little girl and that everything I do she will always be proud of me growing up my relationship with my mom wasn't really good. I kind of felt like she wanted me to be like my sister and every time when I did bring it up, my mom would just simply say no and that all of her kids are perfect in their own little way, but when I was little, she would constantly brag to her friends about my sister in about how smart she was and how she graduated high school, and she was only 17 as for my dad's relationship. It was absolutely amazing. I was a total Daddys girl we spend time with each other 24 seven whenever he wasn't working and I was at school we would hang out and watch movies or go places that I wanted to do my mom said that we were two peas in a pod, and that we were twins.

We had a little bit of turbulence when we landed, but other than that the flight was all right. I thought that once I got here my luck will start turning around but unfortunately it just got worse. My suitcase ended up getting stuck so a security guard had to come help me out and when my mom and me went into the cab and my headphones ended up breaking because I got stuck when I close the door my mom kept telling me to relax and I was trying to, but I was honestly getting tired of it when we pulled up in front of the house it looked the same from when I was younger. The only thing that was different was, the mailbox that was painted blue instead of black the porch swing was still on the porch but now it was rested. I asked my mom if she still uses it but she said that it was arrested. She was scared to sit on it. My mom unlock the door. I heard, laughing in the kitchen I breathed in and out, getting ready for this visitation.

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