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────   judge : Ravendipity   ────


COVER : 4/5

I've always liked the covers this author has, and this one is no different. I think it's simple and I like the colors used. The cover is warm, which is fun to look at. I also like the font. I only took a point off because the lines on the left and right aren't aligned even though the horizontal ones at the top and bottom are. The line on the left goes to the top of the cover and looks longer than the right line. Otherwise, I like the cover.

TITLE : 4/5

Like the cover, it's simple and portrays the story. It is very symbolic of the plot. It doesn't stand out too much since a lot of books have the same title, but I'm not going to judge too harshly on that, especially since the title relates to the story.

BLURB : 4/5

It tells me everything I need to know about the book. It doesn't waste my time and it also doesn't spoil too much. With that being said, there are some grammar errors I'd like to bring to the author's attention. I understand what the author was going for when they were writing the first two parts of the blurb, but both paragraphs are incomplete sentences since they are missing the vital verb "is."

"Cho Eun-min, a struggling 23 year old busting around desperately trying to make ends meet as a waitress in Seoul."

An alternative would be:

"Cho Eun-min is a struggling 23-year-old bustling around desperately trying to make ends meet as a waitress in Seoul."

The same applies to the first paragraph.

For a blurb, clarity is essential, so I would recommend making sure the sentences are complete.


It sets up the concept well even though it is very short. We don't get to learn much about the story, setting, or characters before the chapter ends. It's written more like a summary, but with that being said, it sets up the concept well. It doesn't waste time and it gets straight to the point, I only wish we got to learn more about the characters and setting in the process.


Sometimes the character names have hyphens and sometimes they do not. Either one is fine, but I'd recommend being a bit more consistent with it.

There are also some tense issues where it flip flops between past and present tense incorrectly. The first chapter is in present tense while the rest are in the past tense, which is a bit off but I'm willing to overlook it since it's the introduction chapter. However, there are some tense inconsistencies in the other chapters as well, so I thought I'd point it out.

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