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────   judge : Ravendipity  ────


COVER : 4.5/5

I like the way Jimin looks on the cover. The way he looks like a painting fits with the pretty background. It's very aesthetic. My one criticism is the contradictory title. "The" is on the cover while the actual title is just "Miracle Of Fate." It's a bit confusing albeit aesthetically pleasing. It's a small thing, so I'm not going to take off much for it.

TITLE : 5/5

It's cute, no criticisms. It tells me everything I need to know about the story.

BLURB : 3/5

Knew should be know. Different is spelled wrong. Seong-eun isn't capitalized. It feels a bit awkward and vague, it doesn't tell me much about the story. It is engaging enough, but it's very short and there are multiple misspellings.


I don't quite understand what the tone is supposed to be. The style is written humorously, but we have the protagonist pretending to be dead, a mafia who kidnapped her, and two people getting shot. Is it supposed to be light, or is it supposed to be serious? It also doesn't make sense that Jimin and the other goons wouldn't harshly interrogate Seong-eun after she says "You kidnapped the wrong person." Why would they not deal with it? The POV says "This girl could be lying, but he had no energy right at the moment to interrogate her." Why? He murdered two of his goons over this, and he didn't bother to get proof before murdering people who could have actually done their job correctly? Why would a mafia leader get rid of potentially trustworthy minions over a kidnapped woman's word? He absolutely does not have millions of minions. A good, intimidating mafia leader would care about who he lets into his ranks and who he kills off. South Korea doesn't even have the population needed for there to be millions in Jimin's ranks. Even if he was exaggerating, it makes no sense.

There are many plot holes and unexplained occurrences that don't keep me engaged. The questions I asked aren't engaging questions because this is written in third-person omniscient, so we know exactly what Jimin is thinking, which means he didn't think of any of the questions I just presented. How is he a mafia king? I'm not intimidated by him; if anything, I find it unrealistic that he's in charge of something so dangerous. His mafia would've been taken down in a few months tops if this is how careless he is with his minions and the people he kidnaps.

With that being said, regardless of the tone issues I have, Seong-eun seems very likable and relatable so far, and I am interested to see more of her character. She's definitely a highlight of the story, and the author should be proud of that.

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