That Flew By

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I blushed as Brayden held the door open for me at Perkins Restaurant. It was the one major eatery in town and somehow I hadn't been there yet. We mainly tried to cook or ordered takeout. Not the best food, but it got us by.

"And here you are," said Amy, our hostess.

"Thanks," I said as Brayden and I got into the booth.

"Have enough room?" he asked.

"I'm good. I don't know about in five or ten weeks though," I said, chuckling and grabbing the menu in front of me. "I'm really feeling pancakes. They've got pancakes, right?"

"Indeed they do," Brayden said. "I know we don't have any fancy restaurants within walking distance, so I hope this is okay for our special day."

"Uh...special day?"

"It's our one-montherversery," he said, giving an awkward smile. "I guess it's not that special. It is only a month."

"Well it's been a great one. It's special to me. Even if I forgot," I said. "Wow. I can't believe it's been a month. That really flew by."

"Do you think your mom will let you stay until the next one?" he asked.

"No. I have to leave on the first for her birthday. With school starting I don't think I'll be able to make it here. I'm sorry."

"Hey, it's okay. We can always Facetime that night. Maybe I can drive out to you that weekend?"

"If you get your license next week! Which I hope you do."

"Maybe you should get your permit. You're old enough."

"Hmm. I guess I never thought about it. Maybe I'll ask my dad when I get home," I said, taking a sip of water our waitress was putting on the table.

You know, I probably should work towards getting my license so I can actually take my babies places. Maybe I should get a job, too. No, I definitely should get a job. This is stressful. I'd rather think about pancakes.

"I know that driving is kinda scary but once I have my license I'm sure I could help you learn, too."

"Aww thanks babe. Crashing a car sounds like a great date. I love it."

We fell into a fit of laughter and just tried to enjoy our time with each other. I only had two and a half weeks left here with Brayden and the rest of my friends.

We finished up our breakfast, and once I was stuffed full of pancakes, we sat down on a bench by the lake.

"I just wanna say, you really did a great job meeting my mom and my sisters yesterday. I think they really liked you," I said.

"Thanks, I try my best," he said, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Did you ever think you'd date a triplet?" I asked.

"I've never even met a triplet before you came here! Are you kidding?" he said, chuckling to himself. "But it's definitely exciting, for sure."

I moved closer to him, leaning my head on his shoulder. "I hope the court stuff goes faster than it is. I don't want to leave you. It's too hard."

"But we'll be okay. You'll have your mom and your sisters. You'll have lots of support." I moved his hands to the right side of my belly, where one of the girls was kicking. "That's so amazing."

"It's nice when it's not my bladder they're aiming for." I sighed. "I feel like I'm already so done with being pregnant. December can't come fast enough."

"Yeah. It feels like it's far off, but look how fast the summer went."

"I wish time would slow down."

"I know. Me too."

Our heads turned to the left after hearing some kind of commotion on the beach. A sunburnt tourist was racing after a seagull, who was carrying a large amount of food in its mouth.

"Hey! That's my bagel! Goddamn bird!" yelled the tourist.

Brayden and I let out a fit of laughter, watching as the bird flew towards the island in the middle of the lake, proudly carrying the full bagel sandwich. We sat there for a little while longer, until I couldn't hold my pee anymore and had to use the beach restroom.

When I walked past the playground to the bathroom, I tried to imagine my two little girls playing there, but I started to freak out. What if the judge didn't let me live with my dad, and I couldn't live here for another two years until I turned eighteen?

I quickly used the restroom and tried to get all those negative thoughts out of my head. I rushed back to Brayden, then went back to his house, where we'd be meeting his family for a relaxing boat ride this afternoon.

When we were out there, I took in all the sights and sounds of the lake. His family showed me how to fish. I was terrible, but they said it was good enough for my first time. It was cool to hang out with his family, but it would've been so much more romantic if it was just Brayden and I. Maybe someday, but I didn't want to get ahead of myself. I thought Christian and I would be together forever, too.

I couldn't predict how long Brayden and I would be together, and it freaked me out. I wanted us to stay together, but with me being a teen mom and now having to go back to Oak Falls, it was going to be hard. 

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