Pink and...

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 I gasped. Those fireworks lighting up the sky were also pink!

Two girls.

I was having two little girls.

My heart was leaping out of my chest. Was this seriously happening right now? I was really going to be a mom to two girls? With my sisters and I all being girls, I wasn't surprised at all, honestly. The excitement was overflowing, though.

Everyone around us seemed like they were excited, too. The sky was now full of pink and purple fireworks. My dad did such a great job with the show. I hugged all my friends and consoled my screaming sisters on my phone.

"I knew it! I knew it!" Korra said.

"What do you think, Kimi?" Karly asked.

"I'm honestly still taking this all in. It's kind of a lot!"

"Just enjoy it. You deserve it," Korra said.

"Thanks, you guys. I'm going to hang up now. I'll talk to you soon," I said.

"Bye honey! Love ya!" my mom said in the background.

"Bye! Love you all too!" I said before hanging up.

We all hung around for a while, until it got pretty late, just eating and talking. Everyone started to turn in for the night, but Brayden wanted to stay.

"Come on, it's such a nice night out. It'd be a shame to waste it," he said.

I turned to my dad. "Is it okay if Brayden walks me home a little later?"

"Only a little. Be back by midnight, please."

I looked down at my smartwatch. It was a little after eleven.

"Okay. We won't stay too long," I said.

"That's fine. See you then," he said.

My dad and friends said their goodbyes, and I went out to the dock with Brayden. The sky was full of stars. With so little light pollution out here, it looked like this every night. It really was a sight to see.

"We haven't really done anything romantic in a few days, so I didn't want to miss the opportunity," he said, sitting down next to me.

"Aww, that's sweet," I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

He gave me one back and said, "So, how do you feel?"

"Amazed and overwhelmed at the same time. It's kinda hitting me that I'm going to have two actual humans to take care of in a little over four months. I need to start shopping and thinking about what I want to do in the fall."

"What do you mean? I thought you said you were doing online school?"

"I am, and like I already told you guys in the beginning, I wanted to just be here for the summer but now I don't know. I really like it out here in Allistar Lake. Oak Falls is a nice place to raise a family, but so is Allistar Lake. I love my mom and my sisters, but I'm wondering if I should stay here with my dad."

"I mean, DJ and I would love it if you did," he said, putting his arm around me.

"I know. But I have to keep telling myself that if I chose to stay here, it won't be the exact same. Opal has to go back home and you guys will be in school all day. It won't be like now where we can just hang out whenever we want."

"We'll always have the weekends, though. And school ends at three. We can always video chat or hang out afterwards if we don't have too much homework," Brayden said.

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