I Know Places

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"Kimber, I'm coming home in five days and now you're going to spring this on me?" my mom asked through my computer. Her accent was a lot thicker than my dad's and always got even thicker than that when she went back home. "I haven't seen you all summer, and now I'm not going to see you at all?"

"I just think that this will be better for all of us. I have a new start here, mum."

"How will it be better if you're without the rest of your family? Your dad is all you have there."

"But you work all day and the girls will be in school all day. It's not like you'll all be there to help all the time," I said. "If I stay here, we can just turn dad's office into a nursery and it'll be fine. If I choose to raise them with you, we have to change the whole layout of the house. Karly and Korra have to room together and then we have to turn one of their rooms into the nursery."

"So? Why are you acting like we can't move some furniture or paint some walls? You're talking nonsense, Kimber!"

"No, I just know what I want, mum. I love it here in Allistar Lake. I've made a new life for myself. I have a boyfriend, I have friends, and it's nice living here with Dad. I wish you'd just drop the restraining order so you two can work something out about me staying."

"You don't understand. It's not that simple, Kimber. The man gave me a black eye."

"I know. I didn't forget. I remember the whole thing. But he did what he needed to do. He changed. He got sober. He's turned his whole life around."

"People don't change. People never change," she said.

"I think they do and you just don't want to believe it."

"Kimberleigh, what on earth has gotten into you? You're never like this."

"I'm just frustrated, Mum. I had all that stuff happen with school and losing Rachel and Christian and the trial and attorneys and since it happened in Oak County, a whole bunch of people there know about it. Nobody here knows about what happened with Chrisitian. My bullies from school are an hour away. I just feel like all of Oak Falls is tainted. I don't want to be there."

"I understand that, but the court orders say I have primary custody, and you live with me during the school year," she said.

"But I don't want to go back there."

"If you want to abandon your mum and your sisters to live with your father, then we have to go back to court and start this whole thing over again. But the date on the paper we signed for the summer says you're coming home with us the day after we get back."

"What? I can't even finish out the summer here?" I asked, my jaw about to hit the floor.

"Don't you miss me and your sisters? You really don't want to come home?"

No. Home is where you make it. I want Allistar Lake to be my home now.

"I do miss you guys but I want to stay here for the rest of the summer, at least," I said, wiping my tears away.

"Aww, Kimber. You know I love you and I want you to be happy, right? I just really want you to come home. I know you've been through a lot. I know. If it'll make you feel better, I'm sure I can get the date on the paper changed, but before your sisters start school I need you to come home."

"Mum, I don't want to give you a hard time, but I really, really want to stay here."

"Then tell your dad I have to take him to court and change the custody agreement. I can see why you want to stay, I'll just...miss you. I don't like it and I want you to come home, but I want what's best for you. If your dad and I are in agreement, then hopefully it won't take as long in court."

"Okay. Thanks, Mum."

"I love you, Kimi. I'll talk to you soon," she said.

"Love you too. Bye."

I hung up and closed my computer, resting my head in my hands. That was so frustrating and complicated. But honestly, what did I expect her to say? "Sure, go ahead and live with your dad despite the fact you've lived with me your whole life and your dad was a deadbeat until recently?" I understood her reservations.

I came out of my room and saw my dad eating breakfast at the table. He immediately looked up from his coffee and toast.

"How'd it go? Was she mad?" he asked.

"Well she wasn't happy, if that's what you're asking," I said, sitting down. "She was pretty angry at first but at the end she basically said it was okay and you still have to go to court."

"I'm just worried they won't give me primary custody due to my past, but we can try. I'll call my attorney during my lunch break."

"Thanks, Dad. You're the best," I said.

"Just go have fun with your friends today. I'll handle everything else."

"I'll try."

I got ready and then met up with my friends a few hours later. It was three of us on the playground swings again, DJ doing kickflips on the blacktop. He'd been practicing over the last few weeks. They were a lot better than the last time we were here.

"I know my schedule is crazy, but if you do go back to Oak Falls, I'll be around as much as I can. I know I have school and all my extracurriculars but for real, I'll be as present as I can," Opal said. "My house is only twenty minutes away from yours."

"Thanks," I said, kicking around wood chips with my sandals. "My dad said it'll probably take a few months, so I'll probably have to go home and then come back."

"That's a hot bag of dicks," DJ said.

"How long would you be gone," Brayden said, taking my hand.

"A couple of months, it sounds like," I said, trying not to let the tears leave my eyes.

"But it won't be forever. And it's not like you'll be states away. It's a bit of a drive but it's completely doable. I'm almost ready to get my license so I'm sure I could figure out a way to go down on the weekends."

"This really means a lot, you guys. Thanks for trying to make me feel better. My last two days have been utter trash," I said.

"That's what cool cats like us are for!" DJ said, doing another kickflip.

I laughed and just tried to enjoy every second with my friends and boyfriend. Sadly, I knew it was limited. The summer was already half-over. There were only four weeks left. Time was going by too fast. I wanted things to slow down so I could take it all in.

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