New Romantics

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We finished the movie, the main character survived the attack, and I survived what seemed like an actual date with one of the cutest guys I'd ever met.

"That was...really nice," Brayden said as he put his raincoat on in the lobby.

"Yup," I said. Should I ask? Should I get clarification, just to be sure? "So...uh..."


"So, what we were doing in there...with the arm thing...was that a, you know?"

He chuckled, which made me laugh. "Kimi, do you want to go on a planned date? One that you're actually aware of?"

"Well, only if it's okay with you."

"Why would it not be okay with me?"

I pointed to my baby bump. "That and, don't tell the others but I kinda have some baggage. I want to be upfront about that. There's a lot of drama with the...father."

"So do you want to get ice cream or coffee?" he asked.

"You-you really don't care? Are you sure?"

"Kimi." He came closer and took my hands in his. "If I thought it was too much, I wouldn't be here right now. You know there's a lot more to you than the fact that you're pregnant and had some stuff happen in the past, right?"

"I try to believe that," I said. "Everything is still pretty new. I just got out of a relationship two months ago, so I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do. I don't want to feel like I'm rushing or rebounding."

"What do you want to do?" I looked down at the floor. Go get ice cream with you, be really cute, and see where it goes. He held the door open. "It's up to you. If you don't feel ready, you can head home. I won't be offended. It's okay."

"I want to go. I'm just nervous, if I'm being perfectly honest."

"About anything in particular?"

"That's a good question. Let's go."

I went out the door, opened my umbrella, and we hustled down the street in the pouring rain to Sprinkles, the ice cream shop.

"Hey, look what the cat dragged in!" said the kid behind the counter when we walked in.

"Kimi, this is Troy. We're on the baseball team together," Brayden said. "This is Kimi. She's Connor's daughter."

"Oh. Nice. What can I get for you guys?" he asked.

"Hmm. I need a minute to decide," I said, looking at all the flavors.

I settled on the rocky road, which Brayden paid for. We sat together at the high countertop that gave us a view of Main Street and the lake. Even in this weather, the water taxi was still bringing people from one side of the lake to the other.

What if it's the same thing? I'm being manipulated. He's just trying to get in my pants. He wants me for something. I'm bald. I'm pregnant. I'm introverted. I'm traumatized. I'm broken. I'm—

"I'm really having a good summer this year. Things get pretty boring, and it's fun when Opal's here, but I feel like it's even better now that you're here with us this summer. It adds a whole new level to things," Brayden said.

"Honestly, I feel like I'm having more fun here than if I was in Ireland. I go to Ireland almost every summer, but I've never had one where I'm enjoying the peaceful outdoors and just hanging with friends," I said.

"Now to me, that sounds exciting. I've barely left the state, let alone the country."

"If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?" I asked.

"I'll take anywhere warm and sunny. The summers are nice up here but the winters are brutal. I'm sick of having three feet of snow once a month."

"Wow. That's...pretty bad."

"We're way up in the mountains. That's just life here. My dad and I ride snowmobiles to work in the winter. It's like people don't even use their cars. We just ride those from one place to another."

I laughed. "That actually sounds pretty fun."

"Only here, I guess."

"Do you think you'd ever want to move?"

"From Allistar Lake? Nah. This is my tiny, little home. I can't imagine living anywhere else. Most of my immediate family is nearby, too. But I would love to take a vacation to a warm, sunny beach. So to answer your question, maybe Hawaii? I dunno. What about you?"

"Hmm. Probably Paris. I know that's what a lot of people would say but come on, it's Paris. Who wouldn't want to go there?"

"That's a fair point," he said. "Oh, I forgot to ask. Did you have a good time with your aunt Darlene yesterday?"

I averted my eyes to the street. "Umm, yeah. Went great. I really enjoyed our lunch." I looked back at Brayden. He didn't answer. I sighed. "Okay, okay. I told everyone she's my aunt but she's not. She's"


"It goes hand in hand with the baby daddy drama. It's a whole mess. It's...really, really stressful."

"It's okay. I don't want to pry. You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to."

"Thanks. It just really, really sucks. For legal reasons I actually can't say too much."

"No how's your rocky road?"

"Awesome!" I said, taking another bite.

We sat there talking for about another hour, then Brayden had to get home to change before work. When we were about to head out the door, both of our phones went off at the same time. It was the group text.

DJ: It's official guys. Kimi isn't the only member of this group that's pregnant.

The picture underneath it was a positive COVID test.

Opal: Shit dude! Why tf did I drink out of your water bottle? I'm sooooo screwed.

Brayden: Famous last words.

Opal: Shut up! I hate you guys.

"Geez, poor Opal. She's pretty much doomed, isn't she?" I said.

"Yeah, it sure seems that way. Hopefully we don't get it either," Brayden said. "Do you want me to walk you home?"

"No. I'll be okay. Thanks for treating me to all the snacks and the ice cream."

"Sure. If you want, I'd be okay with treating you again."

"Yes! Definitely," I said, trying to hide the fact that I was blushing.

"Awesome. Just text me and we can figure out what we want to do."

"I will."

"I'm sure it's too early to ask for a kiss, right? I'm not the best with first dates, believe it or not."

I laughed so hard that I snorted. I took a second to catch my breath.

"Well you had me fooled. You did a great job today. You seemed like a total expert," I said. "I'd be okay with a hug though."

"When I just put my soaking wet raincoat back on?"

"So...maybe you should take it back off and give me a hug then? Before I run home and you miss your chance?"

He shook his head while he laughed and took off the raincoat. We had a quick hug and went out the door.

"See you, Brayden," I said.

"Bye Kimi!" he said, running off in the direction of his house.

I stood there in the rain, watching him as he got further and further away. I didn't know where this was going, but I was ready to find out. 

Lakeside LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora