Chapter 73 - Plan Gone Wrong

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Natsu's POV

It was finally time for the attack. My father's dream of taking down Acnologia was finally becoming a reality. All my men and women with their weapons ready surrounded Warehouse 7. According to my spies watching the warehouse, Acnologia hasn't left since last night. I put my hand up in the air with my index finger and thumb making the Fairy Tail hand sign, signalling to start the attack. Everyone burst through every entrance, but the warehouse was completely empty except for a mobile phone on top of a wooden stool in the middle of the room.

I turned to my spies Bisca and Alzack. "Didn't you say he never left the warehouse?" I asked. "We swear we were watching him the whole time through the window" Alzack replied. Then how? "Boss, look up there on the window. It looks like he tricked us by replacing the window with a lacrima to show exactly what he wanted us to see" Erza said as she pointed up at the window. "Damn it!" I shouted while stomping my foot. I really thought we had him in our grasp.

Suddenly the mobile phone in the middle of the room began to ring. I hesitantly walked towards it and answered it. "Natsu! They're all- mhm" I heard Lucy's voice crying on the other end before being muffled. My eyes widened at hearing Lucy's voice, especially hearing her crying. How did Acnologia find the safehouse so quick? "Lucy!" I shouted back in worry. Everyone's faces turned shocked when they heard Lucy's name pass my lips.

Anger raised inside of me when I heard Acnologia's voice come onto the line. "Hear that Natsu Dragneel? I found your precious little girlfriend. I think I'll have a little bit of fun before killing her. You better find me soon if you don't want to see her pretty body ripped to shreds" he said. I growled angrily and before I could say anything back he ended the call. My anger boiled over to the point that I crushed the phone in my hand and threw it on the floor, smashing it further.

"Natsu! We could've used that to track Acnologia down" Levy quickly objected to my actions but instantly regretted it when I sent my enraged glare her way. Gajeel immediately stood in front of her to shield her. I turned towards the ground and gritted my teeth. He must be bluffing, there's no way he found Lucy so quickly maybe it's a trick. I pulled out my phone and called Gray but he didn't pick up. My worry for Lucy increased. "Everyone, to the safehouse" I ordered and everyone rushed to their cars.

I jumped into the driver's seat of one of the cars and sped ahead of everyone else. I sped over the speed limit, weaved between traffic, and ran multiple red lights. A couple of cop cars decided to chase me but with the help of my mafia, we managed to lose them quickly. Soon we arrived at the safehouse which was a country cottage outside of the city. The first thing I saw was flames spotted around the house.

As soon as I screeched the car to a halt in front of the cottage, I bolted out of the car and ran to the front door. "Lucy!" I called out as I stopped at the open doorway before seeing the damage. The whole inside looked like it was hit by a typhoon with dead bodies of my men scattered all over the floor. My heart felt crushed with the confirmation that Lucy really was captured by Acnologia. 'This must've been what Lucy was trying to say' I thought back to hearing Lucy's crying voice on the phone. She was trying to say 'they're all dead'.

Everyone else ran over and stopped behind me with a gasp. "Search for any survivors" I ordered and then I heard a sudden cough coming from someone in the lounge room. I rushed towards the person who made the sound and found Gray lying on his back on the floor. He was badly beaten up and holding a fatal stab wound to his abdomen. I crouched beside him and was about to demand what happened to Lucy when I was shoved to the side. "My love!" Juvia cried while crouching beside him. I immediately sat back up and shoved her away. "Tell me what happened" I demanded. "Sorry boss...we tried to protect Lucy but...Acnologia was" he weakly replied. I took a deep breath, I couldn't be angry with him since he did try to protect her and almost lost his life. "You did your best. Rest" I said and then stood up. Juvia immediately took over my spot to care for her boyfriend.

Erza walked over to me to report. "Boss, we have found no other survivors" she regretfully informed me. I sighed heavily, all of these men were family. "Prepare them for transport. We'll have a proper funeral for them once this blows over. I'm sure Lucy would like to be present" I ordered. She replied "yes boss" and then organised the others outside. As soon as I mentioned Lucy, doubt clouded my mind. What if I don't save her and Acnologia kills her like how he did with Igneel? No, I can't think of the 'what ifs'. I need to speak of the future like what Igneel taught me. "I will save Lucy and afterwards, I will ask her to marry me" I said proudly and confidently, then I heard Gray chuckle with a slight groan afterwards. Juvia had run off somewhere to grab a first aid kit. I glared down at him, "shut up and rest" I ordered. Even with a fatal wound, he doesn't miss a chance to mock me. At least he was the only one who heard me.

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