Chapter 5 - Fairy Tail's Hacker

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As soon as we entered Dragneel Inc. Natsu dragged me into the elevator urgently while Laxus, Gray and Gajeel followed behind us. When we entered Natsu's office, Natsu let go of my wrist and speed walked to the phone on his desk. He picked up the receiver and pressed a number on the dial pad. "Levy, come up to my office with your laptop immediately" he said and then hung up. "What do you need Shrimp for?" Gajeel asked as he along with Laxus and Gray sat on the white leather lounges. 'Shrimp?' I wondered. "I need her to bring up the camera footage in Lucy's apartment" Natsu replied as he sat with the rest of the guys.

"Are you just going to stand there all day? Come join us Lucy" Laxus said. I walked over and sat between Laxus and Natsu. Soon we heard the elevator ding and a petite woman with shoulder-length blue hair tied back in an orange headband walked into the room. She was wearing a white blouse with a light grey jacket over the top, light grey suit pants, thin black belt and black high heels. In her arms was a black laptop.

"What do you need Boss?" she asked politely. Before Natsu could speak Gajeel spoke. "You know those heels won't make you taller Shrimp gihi" he said. "Shut up Gajeel!" Levy shouted and then focused back on Natsu. "First off, Lucy, I want you to meet Levy. She's Fairy Tail's hacker" Natsu introduced. "Hi Lucy, it's nice to meet you. I hope we can be friends" Levy said with a smile. "It's nice to meet you too Levy and I'd love to be your friend" I replied returning a smile of my own. She seems really nice and it would be nice to have a girl friend around. Gives me a change from being around boys all the time.

"Now that introductions are out of the way, Levy I need you to bring up the camera footage in Lucy's apartment from the last hour and a half" he ordered. Levy walked over and put her laptop on the coffee table as she sat between Gajeel and Gray. She pulled out a pair of red reading glasses from her suit pocket and put them on before typing really fast on her computer. A minute later, a video of my apartment lounge room appeared on the flat screen TV. From the angle, the camera was in the corner of the room looking down at everything.

In the video, Flare walked into the room with one of her lackeys. She looked around the room before looking straight at the camera with a deranged smile. "Blondie~" she said which gave me chills down my spine. I knew she was talking to me. She walked closer to the camera until she was the main thing on the screen. She tilted her head to the side and said "we're coming~ for you." After she said that, she pulled out a gun and shot the camera.

Laxus' clenched his fists on his knees and glared angrily at the floor. Even though I'm scared, I know Laxus won't let anything bad happen to me. "Calm down Laxus. Everything will be fine" I said. "No, everything will not be fine! Our old man and his mafia are after you!" Laxus shouted at me. "Hey! Don't shout at her!" Natsu immediately backed me up. Without another word, Laxus angrily stood up and walked towards the elevator. When he pressed the down button and the elevator opened. He walked inside and then the doors closed.

Natsu sighed in frustration and combed through his spiky pink hair with his hand. I stared at the elevator doors hoping Laxus would come back. "Don't worry about him Lucy. He's just worried about you. He'll come back when he has calmed down" Gray said and I nodded. "Until he comes back, you can't leave the building without me. Ok?" Natsu said. "Ok" I replied with a nod. I'm a bit scared of why my father wants me. He hasn't bothered me since he disappeared after Mama's death so why does he want me now?

On that thought, I wondered about how the men in black, who attacked us back at my apartment, got burnt or frozen to death. "Something on your mind Bunny Girl?" Gajeel asked and all the attention was on me. I probably had a deep-thinking face on. "There has been one question on my mind besides why my father wants me. How did the men in black burn and freeze to death? I don't understand how that happened in a gun fight" I replied. "Oh that" Natsu said and then pulled out his gun from his jacket pocket before showing me.

"They are illegal magic energy guns. They identify the user's type of magic and turns the magic energy into bullets. The user's type of magic is engraved on the side and will change if someone else with different magic picks it up" Levy explained. "Mine's call the 'Fire Dragon Slayer'" Natsu said with a bright smile. I noticed on the side of Natsu's gun the words 'Fire Dragon Slayer' engraved in gold. "You were waiting for your chance to show her your gun" Gray smirked. "Shut up Ice Princess!" Natsu shouted, "what did you call me Flame Brain?!" Gray shouted back. They clashed foreheads and shouted fire or ice related insults at each other. "You're both idiots and this is pathetic" Gajeel said as he rolled his eyes. Natsu and Gray whipped their heads towards him and they both shouted "shut up Metal Head!" "That's it!" Gajeel shouted and joined, making it a three-way fist fight.

"Hey Lucy" Levy called while taking a seat beside me. "While the boys are fighting, how about we go downstairs together and get something to eat? I bet you're hungry" she suggested. "Yeah that would be great" I replied with a smile. We stood up and walked over to the elevator. When we were inside, Levy pressed the button for the third floor and then the elevator closed and descended. "What's on the third floor?" I asked. "The Cafeteria. There are all sorts of different types of food there" she replied.

Soon the doors open and I see the entire floor was a massive cafeteria! There were sixteen different food stores. I saw American, British, Caribbean, Chinese, French, Greek, Indian, Italian, Japanese, Mediterranean, Mexican, Moroccan, Spanish, Thai, Turkish and Vietnamese food stores all around us. I was shocked, "Natsu had this Cafeteria built when his father handed him the business. He LOVES food" she emphasised. I giggled, I could imagine the cute expression he would make whenever he comes here. Oh my gosh, I just called a mafia boss cute! "You ok Lu?" Levy asked, "y-yeah I'm fine. So which one are we going to eat today?" I replied while changing the subject. "How about you choose since you're new here. What do you want to try?" she suggested. "Alright, I could go for a burger right now" I replied. "Great, American it is! To be honest, I was craving a burger too" she laughed and I laughed along with her. I had a feeling we would get along great.

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