Chapter 64 - Beach Day

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Lucy's POV

The warmth of the sun and the ocean breeze felt amazing against my skin. I laid sitting up on a pink beach towel while watching Natsu and Gray compete to my right. They were currently trying to make the biggest and best sandcastle. The sandcastles were only halfway complete, but they looked like they were going to be the size of a small house. I looked over to my left at Laxus who was laying on a beach lounge chair under an umbrella with his eyes closed.

"Hey Lucy!" I heard Erza call out from the water. She was laying in a yellow swimming tube, relaxing as the waves lightly rocked her back and forth. "Come join me for a swim!" she called out and I decided to take her up on her offer. "Coming!" I called back. What's the point of wearing a swimsuit if you're not going to swim in it? Other than making Natsu drool hehe. I stood up and walked into the water. The water felt refreshing and cool against this summer heat. I swam over to her tube and rested my arms on the side. I let my feet sank below me where I could feel the sandy ocean floor with my toes.

"Beautiful day isn't it" I said and Erza nodded. "Yes, it is a beautiful day" she replied with a smile. "Hey Lucy!" I heard someone call out and turned to see Happy flying towards us. Two more flying cats followed behind him. One was a pure white female while the other was a black male with white around the mouth. Both of them wore a similar magic collar to Happy's. On the beach, I spotted some more Fairy Tail members joining us.

"Hey Happy! Who are your friends?" I asked. "This is Panther Lily, Gajeel's cat" he said pointing to the black cat. Wow, I didn't know Gajeel was a cat person. When Happy turned to introduce the white cat, love appeared in his eyes. "And this is Carla, Wendy's cat" he said, slightly drooling when he said her name. I inwardly giggled, looks like Happy has a crush. How cute! "Nice to meet you both" I said with a smile. "Likewise" they both replied, returning a smile.

Out of nowhere, I felt something grab around my thighs and lift me out of the water. I screamed in fright until I saw Natsu's head between my thighs as he held me on his shoulders. "Natsu?!" I exclaimed before losing my balance and falling backwards into the water. As my head resurfaced, I was met with laughter from my boyfriend. I laughed, taking the stunt as a simple prank, and then splashed him with water. He stopped laughing when my splash hit him and then a cheeky smirk grew on his face. "I see how it is" he said and then sent a splash right back at me. This turned it into a splash battle between us.

After a few splashes, he splashed me one more time to get close to me and then wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. "Got you" he smiled as he tightened his hold on me. I rested my arms on him, attempting to hug him back, when suddenly I felt Natsu's board shorts slip off forcefully. Natsu quickly jumped backwards away from me and covered his private part even though it was hidden by the water. Behind him, Gray jumped out of the water and laughed with Natsu's board shorts in his hand. Natsu glared at him, "oi! Give those back Ice Stripper!" he shouted. Gray smirked, while proudly twirling Natsu's board shorts around his finger. "No way Flame Brain. This is payback for stealing my boxers the other day" he replied before running away. Natsu quickly ran after him with both hands still covering his private part.

Gray didn't waste any time running ashore so Natsu couldn't reach him without exposing himself. A smart and evil tactic from Gray. Natsu hesitated to get out of the water but knowing he wouldn't be able to get out without his board shorts anyway, he decided to come out of the water. Most of the girls turned away, shielding their eyes from Natsu's naked body while the two boys chased each other. Natsu's hands never moved from covering his private part as he ran.

From beside me a low dark aura appeared, and I slowly turned to see it coming from Erza. She was not happy. She slid out of her tube and stalked towards where the boys were running. Clearly being distracted by their 'game', Erza managed to get ahead of them and smack them both on the head. The force of the hit was so hard that their heads dove into the sand, making them look like ostriches with their head in the ground. They both pulled their heads out and spat out a mouth full of sand. Erza began to scold them and they stared up at her in fright. The rest of us including me laughed at the usual sight of them. Even on holiday, they act the same. This will be a beach day to remember.

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